Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

From the Dep’t of Irony: Oxford University Student Union bans free speech magazine because it is ‘offensive’ [link]  …
World Economic Forum: What is the global economic impact of climate change? [link]In sum, breaking the 2ºC target is not a disaster. The most serious impacts are symptoms of poverty rather than climate change. Other impacts are unlikely to have a substantial effect on human welfare.
An environmental economist reflects on his “clean” VW diesel car: [link] …
Sources of new nitrogen in the Indian Ocean [link]
EPA claims reducing ozone alleviates asthma. Child asthma rates are up 131% since 1980, despite falling ozone levels [link]
Paper: Pacific Decadal Oscillation linked to 18.6 year lunar tide cycle [link]
New paper finds no significant trends of extreme precipitation in UK between 1931 and 2014. [link] …
New paper by French mathematicians determines battle against global warming is “absurd, costly & pointless crusade” [link] …
Scientists declare an urgent mission – study West Antarctica, and fast [link]
2013 Paper exploring negative impacts of CO2 policies on NOx emisisons [link]
VW emissions scandal: time to rethink our views on regulations? [[link]
Is the precautionary principle of any use? Consider the issue of wind farms and seabirds. [link]
New paper: Sun controls “Indian temperature variability, in part indirectly through ENSO, but on >1 time scale. [link]
New paper finds probability of CAGW “fat tails” is quite unlikely [link]
Marshall Shepherd: The science behind why cities are warmer than rural areas: [link] …
Harvard’s Jerry Mitrovica:  Ups and downs of sea level [link]
Sensitivity of Soil Water Availability to Changing Snowmelt Timing in the Western U.S. [link] …
The science behind why nice people finish last—and how to fix that http://ti.me/1O0xp8x
New paper finds correlation between sunspots leading Antarctic temperatures by 30-40 years, & NO correlation of CO2&T [link] …
Interesting EconTalk with owner of Legal Sea Foods, especially 21 mins in [link]
New Nature paper finds bright side to IPCC “cumbersome, sleep-depriving, and tinged w risk of political influence” sessions [link]
New Nature Paper: “Is the IPCC doing the right things? Is the IPCC doing things right?” [link]
Surface of the oceans affects climate more than previously thought [link]
Does Publication Bias Inflate the Apparent Efficacy of Psychological Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of US National Institutes of Health-Funded Trials [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
