Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Indonesian pledge suggests no increase in emissions to 2030 [link]
Challenges to China’s plans for cap and trade [link]
China visit underlines climate change’s dodgy value [link]
Pope Francis: why Congress needs to act on climate change/environmental issues [link] 
Is the pope changing minds on #climate change? Not yet, says survey. [link]
Michael Kelly: The forthcoming Paris meeting on climate change will be setting out to build a modern Tower of Babel [link …
President Obama in Rolling Stone interview: “We will condemn our children to a planet beyond their capacity to repair.” [link]
Lomborg:”Both for the entire world & amongst the worst-off, climate comes 16th out of 16, after 15 other priorities” [link] …
Nordhaus on the Pope & the Market [link] 
Emissions from melting permafrost could cost extra $43 trillion by the end of next century: [link] …
No climate change impact on insurance biz: Warren Buffett [link] 
Farmer’s court case obliges Pakistan govt to act on #climate change [link 
“At L.A. summit, (maybe Democratic presidential candidate) Biden says it’s time to ‘end debate’ on climate change” [link]

What Exxon know about global warming, and when they knew it [link]. Michael Schellenberger: Sorry but $2M/year by Exxon for mostly non-skeptic think tanks & a few speeches does not a denial conspiracy make.

Can new climate finance numbers clear the fog around US $100 billion goal for UN commitment? [link]
I entirely agree diesel pollution in cities is a problem. Brought on by CO2 panic.  [link]
Which other cars fail to meet pollution safety limits?  [link]
Who caught VW cheating diesel emission standards? EPA? State regulators? Nope, an NGO and academic scientists. [link] 
Demonizing diesel [link]
A cleaner, greener way to store solar and wind energy [link] …
Renewable electricity overtakes coal for first time in UK [link]
Claim: Tesla competitor can drive 373 miles on 1 charge  [link]
Colorado Supreme Court to Make Historic Ruling on #Fracking Bans  [link]
The German coal conundrum [link]
New at Ensia: Solar power is booming in India. Will it reach the people who need it most? [link] …
How will this sleek new #coal power plant affect future #climate action? Q&A on carbon lock-in [link]
World Survey: People can’t imagine life without cars. Also think automakers doing a good job cutting emissions  [link]
We’ve Missed the Entire Point About GMO Food — A Farmer Explains Farmer perspective on GMO crops. [link] …
Reinventing plastic for the circular economy [link]  …Filed under: Week in review
