Facts of the Matter

A sharp pain in my chest of late
from what feels like
someone slamming a sledgehammer
into my sternum
makes it difficult to inhale deeply.
I’ve dealt with worse.
Praise the Lord –
A bulge in my lower abdomen
that is likely a hernia
flares up almost every time I eat.
I’ve dealt with worse.
Praise the Lord –
An increasingly worrisome drop in weight
possibly caused from malabsorption
has my belt looped
to the seventh hole
and my body thinner
than it’s been since grade school.
I’ve dealt with worse.
Praise the Lord –
Temporary is the nature of all things in this life, and
suffering is simply another form of pleasure
when viewed from the perspective of evolutionary fever.
You adapt or you die…
Remove the beam from my eye…
Cast these concerns into the fire…
All across the Middle East
people are huffing depleted uranium
spewed forth from the instruments of war
that rage righteously from the hand of a death cult
that has gone insane with an Empire’s lust
for carnage, mayhem and madness.
This, too, might pass.
Praise the Lord –
Children in school are arrested
for building clocks
because the time of reason has now elapsed.
This, too, might pass.
Praise the Lord –
Sideshow circus clowns stand upon the stage
and debate each other over broken agendas
while the corporate media jackals
fan the flames of division and rancor.
This, too, might pass.
Praise the Lord –
Vultures in their ivory towers
laugh at the sheep roaming through barren fields,
cackling as they greedily await
their next carrion feast.
This, too, might pass.
Praise the Lord –
Gas guzzling Goliaths
suck the Earth’s precious blood
from out fissured veins,
moving the precarious firmament nearer
to a catastrophe beyond the pale.
This, too, might pass.
Praise the Lord –
Federalized police forces
strap on Kevlar,
lace up black boots,
pop handfuls of steroids,
hit the streets,
and open fire on the citizens
as if it’s open season on freedom.
This, too, might pass.
Praise the Lord –
Chemical cocktail adjuvants of heavy metal poison
pulse freely through the water supply,
along with hydrofluosilicic acid
from the remnants of fertilizer manufacturing,
as well as the residuals of birth control pills
and benzodiazepines that get flushed down the toilet
with the piss of a zombie population.
This, too, might pass.
Praise the Lord –
The bankers bark like mutts,
caged on the floor of Wall Street,
as their lust for derivative commodities
reaches a new high of fevered pitch,
and the plastic fiat Ponzi scheme
built as a house of cards
edges ever closer toward collapse.
This, too, might pass.
Praise the Lord –
You adapt or you die…
Remove the mote from your eye…
Cast liars into the flames…
This all might pass.
Praise the Lord –
“Facts of the Matter” recording via SoundCloud
