The EyeOpener Report- Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, Syria & the Kurdish Question

Syria is once again the center of attention with Washington and Ankara agreeing on "ISIS-free zones" that each partner is interpreting in its own way. Joining us to explore those interpretations is Sibel Edmonds of, just back from the region with intel on a possible timeline for increased military action in the country. In this conversation James and Sibel discuss Turkey's battle against the Kurds and how the Kurdish population are being used by the US and Israel as pawns in a complex chess game. We also examine the recent bombing in Suruc and signs that it was a false flag provocation.

Here is when & where we @ BFP broke Syria News long before US media:
The Continued Blackout on West’s Secret Training & Support Camp in Turkey for War on Syria (Dec 3, 2011)
BFP Exclusive: Syria- Secret US-NATO Training & Support Camp to Oust Current Syrian President (Nov 21, 2011)
BFP Exclusive- Hundreds of US-NATO Soldiers Arrive & Begin Operations on the Jordan-Syria Border (Dec 11, 2011)
BREAKING: US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syria Border (YouTube, Dec 11, 2011)