A True Travesty Of Justice: Innocent Man, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Sentenced To Death For The Fraud Boston Bombing!

Again, while so much focus has been this last while on the very fraudulent Charleston South Carolina "shooting", there has been a lot of important news happening elsewhere around the world, and especially in the economically collapsing United States of America itself....One very important news article came to my attention today that I found to be absolutely appalling and a true travesty of justice... For according to the following news article from that Jew spew media outlet, CNN, it appears that the so called Boston Bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is ABSOLUTELY an innocent man and nothing more than the "fall guy" or "patsy" for that false flag event has been formerly sentenced by a Boston kangaroo courtroom today to death..... First I have the link to that very important article here for all to see for themselves... Take note of the heavy propaganda and the fake cries for sympathy for the "victims" of the fraud bombing that you first see when you open the article link... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/24/us/tsarnaev-boston-marathon-bombing-death-sentencing/ NTS Notes:  I am truly surprised that there has been very little outcry from the American people to this true travesty of what used to be American justice... This article and the sentencing of a very innocent individual to death by what truly is a corrupt kangaroo court system shows that what is left of the validity of the American justice system has now died...Yes, the Boston Bombing was indeed a fraud, much like the Aurora "shooting", the fake Sandy Hook "massacre" and now even the very fake Charleston "shooting" also falls into that catagory as well... I do wonder what the fate will be of the patsy for the fraudulent Charleston "shooting", Dylann Roof, will be?I used to always ask when the American people would finally wake the hell up and put an end to this madness... But sadly it appears that most Americans now are just too brainwashed by the Jew spew media and poisoned by the rotten food and water they consume to even raise a finger while their nation collapses into a draconian police state.....More to comeNTS