Very Important Video: Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide Of Nazi Germany

As a student of real history, and not that complete and utter bullshit that we see from the Jew spew media and the lies in our so called "history" books, I have been working hard in exposing the real truths about our past, and especially exactly what has happened in the last century when it comes to the World Wars... People do deserve the truth....I want to present a fabulous new video that absolutely shows the truth about what Germany was subjected to in the closing days of the second World War, and especially the massive genocide of the German people shortly after the conflict ended in 1945... The video is entitled: "Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide Of Nazi Germany" and is definitely a must see by everyone... I have it right here for all to see for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: I want to suggest to everyone to copy and save this video very quickly... I can guarantee the Jewish criminals do not like this video being out there that blows holes in their lies of history and they will do their utmost to have it removed or barred from Youtube very shortly...The facts presented in this video are absolutely true... I have done enough research myself over time to show that the firebombing of Dresden alone killed easily some 300-500 thousand innocent German lives... That firebombing was definitely an act of cold blooded murder by the psychopaths in the Allied command, and of course the sick freaks Churchill and Roosevelt themselves...And yes, immediately after the conflict, the Allied command under that mass murdering freak Eisenhower put German veterans and civilians in large open air concentration camps where over the following winter and few years some 5 Million perished.....  It was indeed a genocide and a true holocaust, and of course it is not mentioned anywhere in any of the so called "history books"... It shows again that the victors, no matter how evil they truly are, write the "history books".... Again, this video is definitely a "keeper"... But again the criminals in charge of Youtube will do their worse in getting it removed... Spread it around as quickly as possible for everyone to see for themselves and learn some real truths about our history...More to comeNTS