Fifty Shades of Gray’s Inn?*

Author’s Note: Three British judges have been sacked for viewing pornography on their court computers
If you appear in court today,
Charged with a beastly crime;
You may well recognise the Judge,
With whom you’ll do your time!
He could this time be sat upon,
The dock side of the bench;
As viewing porn’s caused quite a stir,
And a judicial stench.
We used to think someone who wore,
A judge’s powdered wig;
Was a self-righteous citizen,
And something of a prig.
But now we know the truth of things,
That a small group of them;
Are into gross depravity,
Including S.& M.!
So if there’s a large ball and chain,
Installed inside your cell;
You’ll know they’ve bondage on their mind,
And you’re in for real hell.
As a guest of Her Majesty,
It’s bad enough in jail;
But being spanked whilst slopping-out,
Is quite beyond the pail!
*Gray’s Inn is one of the four London Inns of Court, the professional associations for lawyers.
