The Burning Bush and Sainted Blair!

The West’s invasion of Iraq,
In every way gung-ho;
Was both a means of saving face,
And also just another case,
Of braggadocio.
The Burning Bush and Sainted Blair,
Invoked the leave of God;
And both ensured their deity,
(With some help from the laity)
In no way spared the rod.
Saddam their one-time minion,
Had ceased to be of use;
And for his rebuff had to pay,
And so for his removal, they
Both needed no excuse.
The ‘mission was accomplished’ but,
As to what next to do;
The Burning Bush and Sainted Blair,
(Who thought they didn’t have a care)
Both didn’t have a clue.
Iraq fell into anarchy,
The casualties increased;
As almost every day went by
With people being blown sky-high,
Increasing the deceased.
Now Bush and Blair both can’t admit,
The error of their ways;
Both claiming God will judge their acts,
According to the truth and facts,
At this world’s ‘End of Days’.
The West’s invasion of Iraq,
Was thought to be a breeze;
But this was somewhat premature,
As both the treatment and the cure,
Were worse than the disease.
