
New world economy good for business
No need of restrictions on capital
Constitutional rights for corporations
Supersede rights of citizens
No need of environmental standards
Rainforests will grow back…
Who needs unions and safety codes?
Treat workers the same – badly!
Pay them minimum wage
Trust us, we’re the ruling class
On your mark, get set, go!
Who will win the race to the bottom?
1,500 CEO’s from around the world
Met secretly in Switzerland,
Writing trade agreements
Designed to shaft the working class
New global royalty
Jingle jewels in unison
Signalling the beginning
Of the new world order
Survival of the richest!
Look after number one!
Goebbels-lies-nation is good for countries
Trust us, we’re transnational corporations
We will administer just…ice for all!
Let’s be productive teams
We’ll control the ways and means
New world order is here to stay,
The hell out of our global communities!!!
