Crystalline Fur

Here come the soldiers now
storming every house in town
Bearing teeth of a lust gone mad
judgment cometh machine gun armed
Black uniform Kevlar donned
war cry on every tongue
Death vultures prey on our young
pollute wickedness through their sword
Under this Magnolia Tree
now I lay me down to sleep
In a place where I can dream
a clearer vision of The Peace
Into the stars embed my soul
soil where my heart can grow
In the world and of the source
Light empowered, I make my choice
Come rain, come wind, come storm
sheltered by this Love so strong
Come every murderous swine
your disease can not afflict my mind
Cast if off and leave behind
away from system, led by Nature’s Sign
Synchronicity as a guide
Holy grace of the blessed Good Life
Every morning when I awake
Hallelujah I sing in thanks
Live each of my days in praise
Appreciation of the Golden Age
Covered with this cloth of peace
Revelation, she is known to me
Warm Fur in my Crystalline dreams
A vision of my Goddess seen
Under this Magnolia Tree
Awakened, I have come to be
Under this Magnolia Tree
A Light within has set me free
