Sandy Hook Fraud Shooting Anniversary: A Few Interesting Videos That Have Been Sent My Way That I Want To Share With Everyone......

Yes, yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of the very fraudulent and well planned operation in "Newtown" Connecticut called the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting..... It is so disgusting that two full years after this event where NOBODY died, the Jew spew media and disinformation agents that have infiltrated this "truth movement" are still at it trying to sell that operation as the real thing....For this article, I want to present a few very interesting videos that have come my way over the last while that expose the truth about Sandy Hook and especially the facts that the criminals did indeed use crisis actors for the operation, though very poor ones.... Here are some of those videos, with short explanations for each, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:First, I want to present one here that was actually produced by my good friend, Gregg, aka pt1gard, out of Seattle, that shows that one of the biggest disinformation agents out there, who's initials are DS, and was originally a Sandy Hook hoax believer, but for some reason turned shortly after this interview and has now been exposed as an agent of disinformation:The person in this interview was none other than "Dr K" who runs the site: No Disinfo, at   What he presents is dynamite....Next, comes an interesting video that was just released the other day... It has crisis actor "Carlee Soto", doing her best are trying to both sell Gun Control as well as smile and laugh knowing that her "sister" was murdered at Sandy Hook... Note not one shedding of a single tear:Amazing.. .But we find all the "crisis actors" used at Sandy Hook play their parts (poorly) and not shed one tear for any of the victims... Probably cannot knowing that they are getting filthy rich by lying their asses off....OK, And here is one that a commentator sent me a week ago asking me to give my assessment.. Pretty good one as far as I am concerned:And finally, just in case anyone has missed it.... I want to again present the fine video entitled "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" here again just to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of that fraud:NTS Notes:  There are indeed so many fine and outstanding videos out there that clearly show that Sandy Hook was a fraud.... What is troubling to me is that two full years after this fraud and all of its shenanigans, there are still trolls and misfits out there trying to sell this as being somehow real (!).....But we know by now who these disinformation agents are and they are losing their own fight for revelance.  It is time for them to finally be outed and to disappear....More to comeNTS