U.S. To Ramp Up Military Aid To Ukraine

November 24, 2014
US ‘to step up military aid to Ukraine’

Sources at the U.S. presidential administration have said the United States will ramp up its military aid to Ukraine and that they expect that the U.S. Congress will allocate additional funds from the budget for this purpose.
This was reported by U.S. officials at a briefing on the results of the visit of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden to Morocco, Ukraine and Turkey, Russian information agency TASS has reported.
“We are expanding our assistance to Ukraine in the area of security,” a U.S. official said.
“Our first radars for the detection and suppression of mortar detachments have been already delivered there, with a few more expected soon. We are also delivering [to Ukraine] military equipment and technology surplus, particularly, high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle (Humvees) and other vehicles. We have already allocated $100 million for these purposes and hope we will be able to spend tens of millions [of dollars] on training [Ukrainian military personnel]. We’re discussing the provision of funds with Congress.”
At the same time, regarding the financial and economic assistance to Ukraine, U.S. officials said these should come from many countries and international organizations.
“We’re not able to provide sufficient funds alone. There is a need for the participation of the IMF and the European countries,” a source in the Obama administration said.

November 24, 2014
U.S. delivers first counter-mortar radar systems to Ukraine
KYIV: The U.S. military have delivered the first three lightweight, counter-mortar radar systems for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren told this to reporters on November 21, a Ukrinform correspondent reported.
“The radar systems see incoming mortar fire and quickly calculate the point of origin of a mortar round fired by the enemy, and allows friendly forces to react appropriately,” Warren said.
He added that the Ukrainian Armed Forces would determine how, where and when they will employ the systems.
According to the press service of the Pentagon, the radar systems are the first few of 20 that will be delivered during the next several weeks and U.S. military members will begin training Ukrainian armed forces in mid-December.
The radar systems are part of the $118 million in equipment and training the United States has committed to assisting Ukraine’s armed forces.
“We’re working closely with the Ukrainians through the interagency process,” Warren said.
As for military aid to Ukraine, prior to Biden’s trip Washington announced that this would be increased. Moscow immediately said this would include the supply of offensive military weapons, which runs contrary to the Geneva agreements regarding Ukraine reached on April 17.
