Israel: Human Rights Abuser Writ Large

Israeli policy is longstanding. Reflecting anti-Palestinian state terror. Institutionalized racism writ large. Vicious repression.
Brutalizing Muslims for not being Jews. Enforcing militarized occupation harshness. Denying Palestinians rights everyone deserves.
According to Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) director Jeff Halper:

…(T)he ‘Zionist answer’ to the downward cycle of senseless violence in which Jerusalem finds itself” includes:
house demolitions, mass arrests, revoking the ‘residency’ of native-born Jerusalemites, closing Palestinian neighborhoods with concrete blocks, arming Israeli Jewish vigilantes and cheap shots at the last person who believes in a two-state solution, Abu Mazen (Abbas).
Everything, that is, except an end to occupation and a just political solution.
This is what happens when a powerful country forgoes any effort to address the grievances of a people under its control and descends into raw oppression.

Netanyahu lied. He’s a serial liar. Everything he says lacks credibility. Big Lies substitute. Claiming Israel locked in “the grip of a terrorist onslaught.”
Palestinians face brutalizing Israeli state terror. Police state barbarism writ large. Provoking justifiable Palestinian anger.
Inciting violence. Able to boil over uncontrollably any time. Perhaps into a third intifada. Or pretext for Israeli all-out war on millions of Palestinians.
Risking carnage and displacement matching Israel’s so-called War of Independence. Western leaders able to intervene responsibly turn a blind eye. Ignore Israel’s worst crimes.
Palestinians isolated on their own. Defenseless against Israel’s onslaught. Its killing machine.
Palestinian human rights group Al Haq reported PA forces abusing civilians. Instead of defending them against Israeli state terror.
Targeting peaceful protestors. Demonstrating against IDF and police brutality.
Longtime Israeli collaborator Mahmoud Abbas unleashing PA forces against his own people. Imad Addin Jamal Amro one of many victims.
After Friday, November 7 prayers. Accosting him. Beating him viciously. Until no longer able to stand. Preventing bystanders from helping him.
Arresting him. Beating him severely at Preventive Security headquarters. An officer shouting “die, die.” Accusing him of offenses he didn’t commit.
Al Haq expressing outrage. Citing the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
Articles 7, 9 and 14 prohibiting arbitrary arrests and mistreatment.
Article 19 affirming freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Without interference. Prohibiting coercing practices denying them.
Regardless of views. Respecting those of others. In writing, print or orally.
Article 20 prohibiting incitement, discrimination, hostility, violence, and state-sponsored propaganda for war.
Article 21 affirming the right of peaceful assembly. Prohibiting any restrictions.
Article 19 of Palestinian Basic Law affirming free expression rights. Mandating criminal punishment for violators.
Article 11 affirming personal freedom as a natural right. Article 13 stating “no person shall be subject to any duress or torture, and that detainees should receive proper treatment.”
Israel violates ICCPR and other human rights laws unaccountably. So do PA forces against their own people.
It bears repeating. Abbas is a longtime Israeli collaborator. Abusing his own people for special benefits he derives.
According to an unnamed PA source, he ordered no public discussions of Tuesday’s synagogue attack.
Canceling media appearances. Issuing a statement following John Kerry saying:

The Palestinian leadership must condemn this and they must begin to take serious steps to restrain any kind of incitement.

Abbas then “condemn(ing) the killings of worshipers at the synagogue in Jerusalem and condemn(ing) acts of violence no matter their source.”
Equating Tuesday’s incident with terrorism. Ignoring Kerry saying:

To have this kind of act, which is a pure result of incitement, of calls for ‘days of rage,’ of just irresponsibility, is unacceptable.

Kerry turning a blind eye to daily Israeli state terror. Brutalizing millions of Palestinians.
Murdering them. Torturing them. Including young children.
Incarcerating thousands in gulag prison hell. Unaccountably. For demanding fundamental democratic freedoms.
Dominating Palestinians through repressive control. Kafkaesque and then some.
Physical control through land theft. Home demolitions. Settlements. Checkpoints. Ghettoization. Agricultural restrictions.
Permit permission for virtually everything. Military zones. Jews only development. Resource theft.
Borders, air space and offshore waters control. Jews only public spaces. Separation Wall repression. Harassment and intimidation.
Diaspora Palestinians prevented from returning. Claiming Jerusalem as Israel’s exclusive capital.
Gazans locked in the world’s largest open-air prison. Bureaucratic/legal/militarized control. Including hundreds of restrictive policies.
Covering virtual all aspects of Palestinian life. Imposing politically motivated conditions virtually impossible to live with. Including:

  • allowable home and village construction;
  • building permit restrictions;
  • home demolitions for any reason or none at all;
  • land expropriation designated for Israeli “public purposes;”
  • agricultural restrictions;
  • crop destruction for violations;
  • licensing and inspection of Palestinian businesses;
  • closures anywhere, any time, for any reason; and
  • movement and travel restrictions within and outside Israel and Occupied Territories.

Denying fundamental international law guaranteeing human and civil rights. Brazenly ignoring dozens of UN resolutions. Going back decades.
Condemning or censuring Israeli lawlessness. Deploring its actions. Demanding state-sponsored repression end.
Israel flaunts rule of law principles with impunity. Arrogating to itself the right to do what it damn pleases.
Law or no law. Because Western leaders able to change things do nothing. Turning a blind eye to Israel’s worst crimes.
Washington partnering through military aid. Political support. Mindless of fundamental Palestinian rights. Horrific Israeli mistreatment.
Using violence. Other forms of repression for political, economic and social control.
Flagrantly violating core international humanitarian and human rights laws. Police state harshness writ large.
In November alone, lawlessly arresting nearly 400 Palestinians. Including young children. In largely pre-dawn raids,
In West Bank and East Jerusalem communities. Around two dozen detained on Thursday alone. Collective punishment writ large. Mass arrests and detentions continue.
Following Operation Protective Edge. Premeditated naked aggression. Murdering over 2,200 Palestinians. Injuring about 11,000 more.
Affecting hundreds of young children, women, the elderly and infirm. Unrelated to Hamas rockets. Or Israeli national security.
Launched to prevent Palestinian self-determination. Maintain occupation harshness.
Continue Gaza’s blockade. Sabotage Fatah/Hamas unity. Facilitate longstanding Israeli slow-motion genocide.
Get away with mass murder and then some. Violate international law with impunity.
Academically lynched University of Illinois Professor Steven Salaita calling Israel the only nation able to murder hundreds of Palestinian children and claim victimization.
Western leaders able to make a difference turning a blind eye.
Horrific Palestinian suffering continues.
Widespread Israeli crackdowns followed Tuesday’s synagogue incident. Responding to longstanding Palestinian mistreatment.
Especially vicious under Netanyahu. Exceeding the worst of Sharonian evil.
Including extremist settler violence. Notably against children. At play. To and from school. Running errands for parents.
Targeting Palestinian communities. Farmers in fields. Committing vandalism. Mistreatment. At times murder. Unaccountably.
Israeli security forces able to intervene responsibly do nothing. Facilitating wrongdoing.
B’Tselem calling Israeli punitive home demolitions “fundamentally wrong.” Ineffective.
Contravening “basic moral standards.” Punishing “people for the of misdeeds of others.” Without just cause. Flagrantly violating human rights laws.
Following Tuesday’s incident, Israeli security forces are everywhere. Harassing Palestinians. Intimidating them.
Ignoring settler provocations. Helicopters and drones monitor things overhead. Police violence against Palestinian women in Jerusalem increased.
Dozens of children arrested. Brutally interrogated. Detained without just cause.
Tuesday’s incident a pretext for escalated Israeli repression. Its ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer, equating Palestinian resisters with Nazis. Terrorists.
Ignoring decades of occupation harshness. Longstanding Israeli crimes of war and against humanity. Slow-motion genocide.
Dermer outrageously suggesting Palestinians intend targeting America. Hamas no different from IS.
Neocon US Senator Ted Cruz (R. TX) expressing “unequivocal support as the Israeli people continue the fight against the terrorists who have declared war on both our nations.”
CNN shamelessly giving him air time to express outlandish views. Other media scoundrels operating the same way.
Reporting one-sided views. Proliferating Big Lies. Burying hard truths.
Ignoring Israeli high crimes. Vilifying Palestinians unjustly. Equating Tuesday’s incident with terrorism.
Indicting all Palestinians for crimes of the few. Turning a blind eye to Israel holding entire communities hostage.
Collective punishment. State-sponsored terrorism.  Mindless of international law. Palestinians isolated on their own. Victimized for not being Jews.