Poroshenko: 220-Day War No Obstacle To European Path

November 20, 2014
Poroshenko: War in Donbas doesn’t stop Ukrainian progress along European path
Ukraine will carry on its European integration course, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said.
“The ongoing war in Ukraine is not an excuse for stopping reforms. There is the presidential strategy, Ukraine 2020, which aims at further integration between Ukraine and the European Union. This strategy has been partially included in the document setting up a ruling coalition in Ukraine. I am confident we can succeed. Ukraine is on the verge of drastic transformations which will create a clear European prospect for the country,” Poroshenko said in Chisinau on Thursday at a joint press conference with the presidents of Moldova and Poland.
It is important for Ukraine that Moldova continues its progress along the European integration path after the Moldovan parliament election on November 30, he stated.

“Ukraine is forming a coalition. The government will support the policy of reforms. I am confident that Moldova will stay by our side. We have lots of problems to solve together, among them the Transdniestrian settlement, the promotion of European integration and the joint fulfillment of regional and international cooperation projects,” Poroshenko said.
