Operation Gladio B: A Roundtable Discussion with Pearse Redmond, Tom Secker & Sibel Edmonds

The Endgame Scenario for Operation Gladio, the “Pakistanization of Turkey” & the reality of Putin’s power
On this special thirtieth episode of Porkins Policy Radio we welcome back Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker for a roundtable discussion of The Lone Gladio and Operation Gladio B.  Tom starts us off by exploring some of the themes brought out in The Lone Gladio with respect to main character Greg McPhearson; will we ever see a “rogue agent” within the CIA take on the agency? How does the oft-used concept of “blow-back” fit in with the murder of Greg’s lover Mai?  Sibel discusses in detail the problems with blow-back as they exist in popular discourse, and explains how unintended consequences of covert operations are almost always intended by those implementing them. Later we move on to the endgame scenario for Operation Gladio:  Sibel explains how the “Pakistanization” of Turkey is in fact a goal of the Gladio Deep State network. 
Sibel talks about how beneficial it is to the Gladio operators to have a weak and divided Turkey. We discuss the new face of ISIS, Georgian-born jihadi Tarkhan Batirashvili and his striking similarity to one of Sibel’s characters in The Lone Gladio, Yousef Mohammad, as well as the real life story of Ayman al Zawahiri.  Rounding out the conversation is Sibel’s analysis of the current geopolitical situation with Russia and NATO.  Sibel goes into detail about the reality of Putin’s power, and gives her opinion as to why Russia has not been more confrontational towards the encroaching NATO presence in its own backyard.
*You can download the MP3 file for this podcast here
**Visit these links to purchase The Lone Gladio in Kindle, paperback and Nook formats. You can also purchase a signed copy (can be shipped to anywhere in the world!) from the author at The Lone Gladio website or here