Obama Nominates New AG hours after Mid Term – Former Corp Lawyer / U.S. Attorney / Dir. of the NY Federal Reserve Board, Loretta Lynch

By Jack Blood

Current Attorney General (Top Cop) Eric Holder has been an unmitigated disaster. Yes that is our “opinion”, and it’s also the opinion of many African Americans, and civil libertarians who feel that things have changed…. For the worse.  This is why current AG Eric Holder is on his way out, and why the Democrats unloaded him for the mid-term (s)election in 2014. Holder plans on going back to work as a corporate attorney, and will likely make boat loads of money using the contacts he made as AG sitting on the board of “Global Corp”. More on the background, and CRIMES of Eric Holder HERE.
Now, post mid-terms, Mr Obama has up’d his game nominating yet another African American, and a female to boot. Race should remain a major divisive issue for the remainder of Obama’s term, IF his new nominee Loretta LYNCH is approved by the now “lame duck”  Senate.
This should be a good test for the Republicans.
Ted Cruz / Mike Lee Threaten To Block Attorney General Nominee
If Loretta Lynch is confirmed, she will be the second (consecutive) African American appointed to the position, and the second female AG after the disastrous, and murderous Janet Reno. (Also a Clinton appointee)

Via Left leaning Salon.com
Loretta Lynch’s Wall Street friends: What you should know about AG nominee’s finance past
Looking for accountability for financial crimes that wrecked the economy? Here’s why the status quo is more likely:
We’ve heard about the cases Lynch has prosecuted for the government, from the police shooting of Haitian immigrant Abner Louima to public corruption cases against the likes of Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY).
But what’s less known is Lynch’s career in the private sector
Ms Lynch’s first job out of Harvard in the 80’s was with one of the most prominent corporate law firms in the world, as a litigation associate for Cahill Gordon & Reindel
Described by Hoovers as “a name plenty of high-profile clients have banked on,” Cahill advises Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan, UBS, AIG, HSBC, and Wells Fargo.
After reviewing her record in this capacity, it’s not that she’s openly corrupted by the forces that increasingly rule our government, so much as she’s marinated in their worldview, in their cultural milieu. To ask her to take on powerful interests in finance would be like asking someone to rat out their friends.
Lynch then served at the U.S. Attorney’s office in Brooklyn for 11 years, rising to run the office during the end of the Clinton Administration, from 1999-2001. When she left, she became a partner at Hogan & Hartson (it has since merged to become Hogan Lovells). It’s a giant DC law firm specializing in government regulatory, corporate and financial law. Like Cahill Gordon & Reindel, it advises all sorts of corporations, and it even has a separate lobbying firm, one of the top five in the United States. We know that Lynch worked on white-collar criminal defense and corporate compliance while in private practice at Hogan & Hartson.
At Hogan & Hartson she did admirable pro bono work with prosecutors in the Rwandan war crimes tribunal. (Furthering the goal of stealing Africa’s resources by the Corporate Elite). What this says is that she has a long history interacting with a certain class of corporate lawyers and executives, understanding their perspective in critical ways.
That’s further buttressed by a strange detour in her legal career – serving as a director of the New York Federal Reserve Board from 2003 to 2005. Here she worked with people like former Citigroup chairman Sandy Weill, ex-Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld and ex-Blackstone chairman Pete Peterson.
And in 2003, Loretta Lynch had one of six votes in the appointment process that eventually put someone named Timothy Geithner in charge.
Lynch’s tenure coincides with the inflation of the housing bubble and the widespread use of mortgage securities and derivatives among the banks the New York Fed is meant to supervise.  We don’t know how Lynch acted in this respect, as minutes of New York Fed Board of Directors meetings weren’t made public until 2007. It’s fair to say that nothing changed as a result of Lynch’s actions, if there in fact were any.
Again, the point here is that Lynch has a long career of close association with many extremely powerful people. Given that we’ve seen in the past decade a virtual crime wave among this very class, it’s just not that likely Lynch would have the will to crack down on malfeasance in the executive suites, which could implicate her colleagues and friends. It’s not corruption, more like mindshare.
To take this out of the realm of theory, let’s look at some of Lynch’s recent corporate crime actions as a federal prosecutor. She was instrumental in two financial fraud settlements, which President Obama touted in announcing her as Attorney General. One was the $7 billion mortgage-backed securities fraud case against Citigroup, part of a series of high-profile settlements that amounted to public relations vehicles for the Justice Department, so they could claim to have “gotten tough” on big banks. In reality, shareholders paid the fines, the perpetrators faced no jail time, investor victims received no compensation, and the public never got the full story on the extent of the wrongdoing.
Lynch’s other major financial fraud case was a $1.9 billion deferred prosecution agreement with HSBC for facilitating money laundering for terrorists and Mexican drug cartels. Carl Levin’s Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations basically gift-wrapped this case for federal prosecutors in an extensive report, relating lurid tales of HSBC collaborating with some of the worst people on the planet for years. But nobody from the bank went to jail or paid any fines. Lynch’s office didn’t even force HSBC to plead guilty; the deferred prosecution agreement just imposes a fine and a monitoring process as an out-of-court settlement.
As Matt Taibbi pointed out at the time, a kid caught with a few ounces of drugs will get thrown into jail for years, but a bank helping the criminals sell billions in drugs to those kids will have no trouble.
You can say that Main Justice prosecuted these cases, that Lynch’s name just appeared on the press releases, that it was Eric Holder’s show. But as a federal prosecutor, Lynch could have easily made decisions to charge individuals after the settlements were completed. She had the information at her disposal. But she chose instead to go along to get along, and you can see her elevation to Attorney General as part of the reward.
And that’s the picture you get from Lynch’s public and private career. She swims in the same pool as the moneyed elite, and her actions don’t pressure them too deeply. The Justice Department keeps insisting that someday they’ll prosecute someone for the corporate crimes that wrecked our economy, but there’s no reason to actually believe that. Under Loretta Lynch, like under Eric Holder, I don’t expect much determination to get it done. And ultimately, you have to hold responsible the President who gave them both their jobs.
Like Rudy Giuliani , Eliot Spitzer, and others who claim to go after corruption, the reality is that they pick and choose whom to protect and whom to prosecute and hold “accountable”. (It should be noted that Spitzer turned on his money masters, and what followed was scandal, and resignation.) Instead, Lynch’s former firm prosecuted Martha Stewart for the same insider trading that happens everyday by congress and Wall street. WOW. Thanks.

Following the July 2014 death of Eric Garner, an unarmed man who died of a heart attack after being held in a “department-prohibited” chokehold by a New York City police officer, Lynch agreed to meet with Garner’s family to discuss possible federal prosecution of the officer believed to be responsible in his death.
On July 20, 2014, the officer who grabbed Garner by the neck, Daniel Pantaleo, was put on desk duty and stripped of his service handgun and badge. Officer Justin Damico was allowed to keep his badge and handgun but was placed on desk duty. Four of the EMTs and paramedics who responded to Garner after he was put in a chokehold were suspended without pay on July 21, while the hospital they worked at, Richmond University Medical Center, conducted its own investigation into the incident. The two Paramedics have since been returned to their regular duties.
Garner’s death was found by the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office to be a result of compression to the neck, compression to the body, and prone positioning, along with asthma, heart disease and obesity as contributing factors. On August 1, the medical examiner’s spokeswoman, Julie Bolcer, announced that Garner’s death has been ruled a homicide.
As of October 26, 2014 a Grand Jury has been convened as is presently hearing evidence prior to deliberating whether to file charges against Officer Pantaleo. “Grand Jury Begins Hearing Evidence In Eric Garner Case”
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said that the Department of Justice was “closely monitoring” investigations into Garner’s death.
Police Commissioner William Bratton ordered an extensive review of the NYPD’s training procedures after Garner’s death, specifically focusing on the appropriate amount of force that can be used while detaining a suspect.
In other words, a few slaps on the wrist, and the NYPD investigation of itself….  Business as usual.
Of course this didn’t stop FBI CI (Confidential Informant), and race Pimp Al Sharpton from exploiting the incident for his own gain, while acting as a steam valve to salve the public outrage.
Need a good laugh?

Lynch to continue Holder’s ‘fierce commitment’ to civil rights, Obama says

ACLU Not Commenting On Obama’s Attorney General Pick

This is our foremost concern: 
President Obama’s nominee to succeed Attorney General Eric Holder has focused much of her career on cybersecurity.
This will come in handy, as we have predicted…. The I-Patriot Act has been written for years, and the power elite, er Govt. are holding that card up their cuff linked sleeves. All they will need to institute this Government, police, DHS total takeover of the internet would be an ‘Internet Pearl Harbor’. As of late suspects are being lined up, including North Korea, China, Syria, and “ISIS”. (Not Israel, ahem) 
Obama highlighted Lynch’s cybercrime bonafides when he formally announced her nomination on Saturday.

Lynch “has spent years in the trenches as a prosecutor, aggressively fighting terrorism, financial fraud, cyber crime, all while vigorously defending civil rights,” Obama said.

If confirmed, Lynch will take over an agency that has played an important role in cybersecurity. The DOJ earlier this year indicted five members of the Chinese military for (alleged) hacking, a decision that strained U.S.-China relations but sent a signal to Beijing about U.S. seriousness on the issue.

“In the place of guns and masks, this cybercrime organization used laptops and the Internet,” Lynch said.

Of course when the I-Pearl Harbor comes, you will have to trust those in power who declare it….. There is no way “We the People” will be able to confirm the authenticity of such an attack, nor its origins.
Maybe you will remember this:

INTERNET FASCISM; CISPA Cyber Security Bill Passed By Congress, Boston Bombings Used As Excuse

More Info here: How a bill called CISPA hopes to erase every online privacy law ever written
and Here: Cispatriot Act: US Reps approve CISPA cybersecurity bill
Here: The Identity Ecosystem: Obama’s Plan for Internet Control
When will Americans take the blinders off? Reno, Ashcroft, Alberto (The torturer) Gonzales, Mukasey, Eric Holder…. Have things gotten better for “Law Abiding” Americans or worse? Was there any difference between (Nazi memorabilia collecting) John Ashcroft appointed by Bush, or Eric Holder by Bush cousin Obama? Well… it has gotten worse. You got me. It’s different.
Does the AG being a black women somehow soften the blows by Militarized police in your town?
Ms LYNCH is a total FAIL by the White House! We can do better. We suggest Judge Andrew Napolitano, or someone of his impeccable pro constitution ilk. This isn’t politics (except by the Democrats). This is a matter of ‘FREEDOM IS THE ANSWER – WHAT’S THE QUESTION”. This is a matter of overstepping constitutional authority! A matter of Liberty and Justice for ALL, not just for the corporate super elites lying, stealing, and unilaterally murdering their enemies….
Make your voice heard. Scream it from the mountain tops, and skyscrapers…. JUST SAY NO TO LORETTA LYNCH FOR AG!
And to the the GOP / Constitution protecting members in the House and Senate….. We will be watching YOU!

