Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Activism Has Become Corporatized & Securitized

Peter B. Collins Presents Authors of “Protest, Inc.”
Two scholars have studied the changes in public protest and political activism in recent years, and note that major NGO’s like Greenpeace, the Sierra Club and human rights nonprofits have become big operations with multi-million dollar budgets, and some dubious corporate sponsorship deals. They comment on the way government corrals protesters into “free speech zones” and how the Occupy movement was undermined by police operations intended to catch terrorists. We also talk about the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, and the general absence of protests over the new war in Iraq and Syria.
*Peter Dauvergne is Professor of International Relations and Director of the Liu Institute for Global Issues as University of British Columbia. Genevieve LeBaron is Vice-Chancellors’ Fellow in Politics at the University of Sheffield, UK. Their book is Protest Inc.: The Corporatization of Activism.
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