The Rich Justice Who Wanted to Keep Judging and Indulge Porn on-the-Job

Within two bedroom apartment,
upstairs from Taylor Borough’s old Vic’s Cafe,
I read Scranton Times-Tribune Op-Eds,
week long stories about Ebola death sentences
and the case of Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Justice Seamus McCaffery getting caught
transmitting pornographic emails to an account
in the state attorney general’s office.
Getting on in years, age 62,
understanding many citizens do not care,
and unable to afford Hustler anymore,
I keep vigil copy of Larry Flynt’s book,
One Nation Under Sex beneath lamp stand,
How can demoralized Quaker Staters go wrong
with Dominatrix-justice, dispensed by Judge McCaffery?
He assured prudes about noble service as ex-Marine,
his duty as a Philadelphia policeman.
Battle field ribbons and blemished badge on chest,
Seamus lectured righteous detractors how
“coarse language and crude jokes permeated both ranks.”
O so foolish, naive –
How I once thought PA Supreme Court Justices
had enough Sodom smarts and ethics to keep
internet porn quarantined at home?
Today’s Times-Tribune falls to garbage bag bottom.
Unjust, disgusted, I forgot PA recycling commandment,
“Thou shalt not place Op-Eds and plastic inside trash !”
As Municipal Waste Landfills reach in-box capacity,
shirkers (like me) might one day appear
before Justice McCaffery for committing such infraction.
“Take relic Orloski to Lackawanna County Jail!”
Please, please Judge, take mercy?
An undecorated veteran, I never downloaded porn
while at work computers…, can I write a recantation?
Booked, I learned (too late) Larry Flynt
knew for all time, sex and pornography actually
ran the three-branch government.
Sex to right cell of me, porno to the left,
Scranton beat cops, Marines stationed in Somalia,
and manly apes housed in Claws and Paws Zoo
howl denunciations at me – after all,
who doesn’t enjoy Octobrist peep shows now-and-then,
minus www. Party-Pooper ethics bearing down on them?
