Sandra Fluke Comes To Town... With The EMILY's List Smear Machine

-by Dorothy ReikPresident, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica MountainsThe bizarrely Californian Dem v Dem California state Senatorial contest between the DCCC’s sweetheart, 33 year old married “co-ed” Sandra Fluke and grassroots activist and native son Ben Allen was going along it’s predictable course with sneak attacks and hushed innuendos, when Fluke decided to go really dirty. While her surrogates had been circulating attacks on Ben and his supporters by e-mail and button-holing confrontations at various events, Fluke’s campaign decided to take a couple of pages from the GWB 2004 playbook. Did Fluke’s double-dealing, sleazy consultants, Hillary Rosen and Anita Dunn of SKD Knickerbocker, known for their support of for-profit private higher education and the XL Pipeline, provide the roadmap for the campaign’s descent into a neo-Nixonian whisper campaign consisting of half-truths, lies and smears masquerading as a poll? When confronted about some of the most deceptive and slanderous “polling” questions, Sandra brushed them off as “only some of the questions in the poll.” Did SKD Knickerbocker also initiate the despicable swiftboat campaign against Ben Allen?Swiftboating, as you all remember from the Kerry-Bush race, is taking a candidate's biggest asset and turning it into his biggest liability. That is what Sandra and her minions have been doing through vicious, lying e-mails sent by several of her surrogates. They started many months ago.While serving on the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School Board, Ben Allen had a stellar record— most importantly fighting to get the monies raised by the various schools in drastically different economic situations shared equally, so that all children in the district got a great education. In doing so the donations to the entire school system dramatically increased. He also got LEEDS building standards mandated. But with the blessing of Ms. Fluke (aka Mrs. Adam Mutterperl— and why does she hide Adam?) the lies blaming Ben for building materials used decades ago all over this country are e-mailed over and over. Fluke even used the question "If you knew the hair of the children in Malibu was falling out and Ben Allen didn't care would you support him?" in her push poll (a discredited marketing tool) the results of which she then bragged about on a local, progressive radio show and trumpeted in every subsequent campaign press release. [The campaign is pure EMILYs List filth- Editor.]In any sane electoral system Ben Allen would be running against a Republican. But because of California’s crazy jungle primary system where the top two vote getters in June— regardless of party affiliation— face off in the general election, the top Democratic candidate, Ben Allen is running against the runner up Democrat— Sandra Fluke— who essentially lost the Democratic primary. Were it not for this jungle primary, Sandra Fluke would have endorsed Ben Allen after losing to him in June and gone back to fighting with Rush Limbaugh.Fluke’s push poll relied on distortions, half-truths and lies about her opponent— but the following poll is based on the real investments Sandra Fluke listed on the mandatory Statement of Economic Interests filed with the California Fair Political Practices Commission:If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in war profiteers, drones, fracking, coal, off-shore oil, nuclear power, toxic pollution, sleazy Republicans, corrupt banks, union busting, unfair labor practitioners would you still vote for her?Here are the investments:WARIf you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in war profiteer Boeing, which manufactures killer drones, would you still support her? If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in  L3 Communications Holdings which is training pilots in Oman to fly fighter jets would you still support her?ENVIRONMENTIf you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Pentair LTD which manufactures supplies for fossil extraction including fracking and off shore drilling as well as nuclear power plants, would you still support her?If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Flowserve Corporation which manufactures pumps, valves and seals for boiling water nuclear reactors in the US, the kind that failed in Fukushima, would you still support her?If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in PPG Industries, one of the worst polluters in the entire country, would you support her?REPUBLICAN SLEAZEBAGSIf you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in BlackRock, a spinoff of BlackStone, whose owner, Republican billionaire Pete Peterson, is behind a relentless campaign to cut or even end Social Security and Medicare.If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Wynn Resorts which profits off gambling addiction and contributes millions to Republican candidates would you support her?If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Delphi Automotive, whose off-shoring of jobs and indeed the company itself accelerated the demise of the US auto industry, would you support her?If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Kohlberg, Kravitz & Roberts (KKR  & Co. LLP) whose leveraged buyouts have cost tens of thousands of jobs would you still support her?BANKSTERSIf you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Bank of America whose mortgage fraud helped cause the 2008 economic meltdown would you support her?If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in McGraw Hill Financial, the parent company of Standard & Poors rating service whose AAA ratings enabled the sale of mortgage derivatives that helped crash the economy would you still support her?HEALTH INSURANCE PROFITEERSIf you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Aetna Health Insurance which increases profits by denying claims  and inflates costs to comply with loss ratios would you support her?JOBS & WOMENIf you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Hanesbrands Inc. whose off shore contractor allows mistreatment of its employees including rape, would you support her?If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Dunkin Donuts Brand Group, one of whose employees died in her car while napping between two of the three part time jobs she was forced to hold with the company to make ends meet because of her low wage, would you still support her?If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Brinker International, Inc., the owner of Chilis Restaurants which is planning to replace some employee with computers rather than pay a living wage, would you still support her?If you knew that Sandra Fluke has investments in Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, the same company Lily Ledbetter sued for equal pay for women, would you support her?