Interview 945 – Financial Survival: Distrust in Media

Every Thursday James joins Alfred Adask on Financial Survival to discuss economics, geopolitics, society and finance. This week they talk about the latest on the Ebola scare, including the latest CDC numbers projecting 1.4 million infections by January, the abandonment of mainstream media and what this means for the future of news, and new numbers out of China that show the Chinese economic slowdown is still occurring.
CDC: Ebola could infect 1.4 million in Liberia and Sierra Leone by end of January
Episode 293 – The Ebola Effect
WHO declares Public Health Emergency of International Concern
Stephen Morrison on what the WHO can do under PHEIC
Council of Europe condemns “unjustified scare” over swine flu
CNBC Viewership Plunges To 21 Year Lows
Gallup: Trust in Mass Media Returns to All-Time Low
China’s industrial output growth hits 6-year low