Wag the Dog eats own tail – US House approves Obama plan to arm Syrian ‘rebels’

House of Representatives approves Obama plan to arm Syrian ‘rebels’ 
17 Sept 2014 Doubts over US strategy in Syria grew on Wednesday as a key vote in Congress allowing the arming and training of groups fighting against for the Islamic State saw a larger-than-expected rebellion among both Democrats and Republicans. The authorisation requested by the White House — which was presented as an amendment to a finance bill preventing another government shutdown and was strongly backed by leaders of both parties — passed in the House of Representatives by 273 to 156 votes. [85 Democrats and 71 Republicans voted no.] The Senate is expected to vote as soon as Thursday.

Holy ‘Wag the Dog’ coincidence, Batman! On the day the sociopaths in the House vote to arm Syrian ‘rebels’ aka I-CIA-SIS, terrorism propaganda production kicks into high gear:
title="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2759299/ISIS-releases-Hollywood… CTRL + Click to follow link" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2759299/ISIS-releases-Hollywood…" target="_blank">ISIS releases Hollywood [Langley]-style propaganda video threat to the United States on Tuesday entitled ‘Flames of War’ –The 52-second clip resembles a Hollywood movie trailer –Is the latest in a line of well-produced videos from ISIS –Also features an eerie night-time drive past of the White House and finishes with the ominous words, ‘Coming Soon’
17 Sept 2014 ISIS [I-CIA-SIS] has released a slickly produced new video warning the United States of the carnage it wants to inflict in Iraq if President Obama deploys troops to the war-torn nation as he attempts to ‘degrade and ultimately destroy’ the terror group. Resembling a blockbuster movie trailer, the disturbing 52-second video entitled ‘Flames of War’ shows militants blowing up tanks in dramatic slow motion, wounded US soldiers apparently being executed and the White House in the sights of a shaky camera. It then shows a clip of the president from before the 2011 withdrawal from Iraq saying that combat troops will never return to the Middle Eastern nation, before the video ends with a text overlay that reads, ‘Flames of War — fighting has just begun…Coming soon.’

U.S. Congress pushes ahead with bid to arm Syrian ‘rebels’
16 Sept 2014 The U.S. House of Representatives began debating legislation on Tuesday to authorize President Barack Obama’s plan to arm and train ‘moderate Syrian rebels’ to fight Islamic State militants, and lawmakers said the measure would likely pass the full Congress by the end of this week. House Republican leaders unveiled the authorization on Monday as an amendment to a stopgap funding bill Congress must pass this month, after Obama asked lawmakers to approve the training as part of his broader plan to stop the Sunni militants who have taken over swaths of invade Syria and Iraq.

U.S. advisers may take forward positions in Iraq fighting
17 Sept 2014 Some U.S. military advisers could end up in front-line positions in the fight against Islamic State militants, the White House said on Wednesday, although President Barack Obama vowed that America would not fight another ground war in Iraq. The House of Representatives gave a green light to a key plank of Obama’s strategy against Islamic State, approving authorization for the Pentagon to train and arm moderate Syrian ‘rebels’ to fight the radical Islamist militants. The legislation now goes to the Senate.

Pentagon: US ground troops may join Iraqis in combat against Isis
16 Sept 2014 The Pentagon leadership suggested to a Senate panel on Tuesday that US ground troops may directly join Iraqi forces in combat against the Islamic State (Isis), despite US president Barack Obama’s repeated public assurances against US ground combat in the latest Middle Eastern war. A day after US warplanes expanded the war south-west of Baghdad, Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate armed services committee that he could see himself recommending the use of some US military forces now in Iraq to embed within Iraqi and Kurdish units to take territory away from Isis.

General: US Ground Troops Possible in Iraq
16 Sept 2014 America’s top military leader has said US ground forces could be deployed again in Iraq, three years after they left the country. Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate panel that he would make the recommendation if the US strategy of airstrikes fails to defeat Islamic State (IS) militants. “To be clear, if we reach the point where I believe our advisers should accompany Iraqi troops on attacks against specific ISIL targets, I will recommend that to the president,” said Gen Dempsey, using another name for the terrorist group.

U.S. charges NY man with trying to aid Islamic State after suspect buys silencers, ammunition from govt agent
16 Sept 2014 A 30-year-old Yemen-born man was indicted Tuesday on charges of attempting to provide support to the terrorist group Islamic State, along with the attempted murder of current and former members of the U.S. military. Mufid A. Elfgeeh, who had been living in Rochester, was named in the seven-count federal indictment, which also included four firearms charges. As part of an alleged plot to target soldiers returning from Iraq, the suspect earlier this year “purchased two handguns equipped with…silencers and ammunition” for $1,050 from a government source, court documents stated.

US security officials say homegrown attacks top concern, beyond Islamic State
17 Sept 2014 Top U.S. homeland security officials said Wednesday that the Islamic State is an imminent terror concern for this country, but they remain intently focused on an array of  deadly threats, especially Americans becoming indoctrinated on the Internet and executing a “limited, self-directed attack.” “It’s no longer necessary to actually meet someone from Al Qaeda [al-CIAduh],” FBI Director James Comey said on Capitol Hill…Comey said he expects that such Internet activity will “dominate” his tenure at the agency.

