James Whitcomb Riley: Sang! sang on! sang hate – sang war -

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
American writers on peace and against war
James Whitcomb Riley
Song of the Bullet

It whizzed and whistled along the blurred
And red-blent ranks; and it nicked the star
Of an epaulette, as it snarled the word -
On it sped – and the lifted wrist
Of the ensign-bearer stung, and straight
Dropped at his side as the word was hissed -
On went the missile – smoothed the blue
Of a jaunty cap and the curls thereof,
Cooing, as a dove might do -
Sang! sang on! sang hate – sang war -
Sang love, in sooth, till it needs must cease,
Hushed in the heart it was questing for -
From Who Bides His Time (1883)
Who bides his time, and fevers not
In the hot race that none achieves,
Shall wear cool-wreathen laurel, wrought
With crimson berries in the leaves;
And he shall reign a goodly king,
And sway his hand o’er every clime
With peace writ on his signet-ring,
Who bides his time.
