NATO Pushes Georgia’s Military Integration

July 3, 2014
Georgia, NATO mull further cooperation
By Jamila Babayeva
Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania met with NATO’s Assistant Secretary General Sorin Ducaru, who paid an official visit to Georgia.
“During the meeting, the two sides discussed Georgia’s NATO integration prospects and current preliminary works for the upcoming NATO summit in Wales,” the Georgian ministry reported.
The sides also touched upon the Georgian troops’ participation in international missions. Alasania briefed Ducaru about the progress achieved in terms of democratic development of Georgia and the implemented defense reforms in the country.
Defense transformation process in Georgia’s Defense Ministry was among other issues discussed during the meeting. Alasnia thanked the NATO official for supporting Georgia’s role in the Reasonable Defense Project.
The talks also involved the prospects of cooperation between two sides on cyber-security issues. The two sides also talked about different aspects of the planned visits of NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative James Appathurai and NATO International Service Delegation to Georgia in July.
Georgia is actively preparing for the NATO Wales Summit slated for September 4-5, 2014. It intends to get a NATO Membership Action Plan during the summit.
