Architect of Apartheid in Israel: “If we don’t kill, we will cease to exist”


 Arnon Soffer, Israeli advisor: Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill 

Zionists hate being labelled ZioNazis but one only has to read some of Arnon Soffer’s quotes to realise that the label is not inappropriate.
It would be easy to dismiss Soffer’s quotes if he were just some Jewish street thug but he’s not. To quote Wikipedia, Soffer worked at Haifa University where:
“he has taught, mentored and is involved in the IDF Command and Staff College; In 1978 he became a professor at the National Defense College and was appointed head of the College Research Center in 2007.
“Soffer is now retired, and teaches only the security officials studying at the University of Haifa, including students from the National Defense College, Tactical Command College, the Havatzalot Program of the Intelligence Corps, and the Trainee Course of the Israel police.”
In other words we are looking at a man who has had enormous influence guiding and shaping the attitudes and outlook of Israeli security personnel.

Source: The Truth Seeker