Proxy War: Ukrainian Junta Boasts Of Massive Air, Artillery Strikes in East

National Radio Company of Ukraine
July 2, 2014
Ukrainian forces launched massive air, artillery strikes on terrorists in east
“Since the active phase of the counterterrorism operation was resumed on Tuesday morning, government forces have launched massive air and artillery strikes on a total of 120 roadblocks, strongholds, and bases of terrorists in eastern Ukraine, killing hundreds of terrorists and cleansing three villages,” Andriy Lysenko, spokesman for the National Security and Defence Council, said at a news briefing on Wednesday.
One of the bases of terrorists was totally destroyed by shelling, he said.
National Radio Company of Ukraine
July 2, 2014
U.S. Secretary of State assures Ukrainian President that Washington, allies will continue to pressure Russia
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has assured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that Washington and its allies will continue to put pressure on Russia.
“Kerry talked to Poroshenko about how the United States and our European partners are willing to do more to press Russia to end support to the separatists in eastern Ukraine and said we are continually preparing more costs for Russia if it does not take further steps,” State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf said at a news briefing on Tuesday, commenting on a phone conversation between Kerry and Poroshenko. According to her, Kerry “expressed U.S. support for the people of Ukraine and for the Ukrainian government’s effort to maintain public order, and welcomed Poroshenko’s commitment to pursue his peace plan”. “We still have the ability to put the sanctions in place very quickly. We are talking to the Europeans about them every day. I don’t have anything to announce, but we are looking very closely at what we might do next,” Harf said.
National Radio Company of Ukraine
July 2, 2014
EU Council President confirms EU’s readiness to take restrictive measures against Russia if required by situation in Ukraine
EU Council President Herman van Rompuy has confirmed the European Union’s readiness to take restrictive measures against Russia if required by the situation in Ukraine.
Addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday, van Rompuy said that EU leaders were prepared to take further serious action at any time.
