NATO Military Attachés Inspect Georgian Air Base

Ministry of Defense of Georgia
June 19, 2014
Military attaches visit Marneuli Aviation Brigade

The military attaches of foreign countries accredited to Georgia visited Marneuli Aviation Brigade of the Georgian Armed Forces. Brigade Commander COL Davit Abramishvili delivered the presentation to Diplomatic Corps` members on the structure and tasks of the military unit. The visitors were also informed on the completed and ongoing rehabilitation works at the brigade territory, as well as took view of the unit infrastructure.
The visit in the Aviation Brigade was carried out within the annual plan of the Association of Military Attaches accredited to Georgia. This Association incorporates 24 countries` representatives.
The goal of the Association is to have access to the first hand information over the ongoing reforms in Georgia`s security system. The Diplomatic Corps representatives are cooperating with Georgian Ministry of Defence within a bilateral military plan.
