The One That Almost Got Away: NATO Reclaims Malta

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Maritime Command

June 13, 2014

Valletta, MALTA: Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group TWO (SNMCMG2) arrived in Valletta on Thursday, 12 June 2014, for a scheduled port visit during the Group’s deployment to the Mediterranean to enhance maritime security in the region and strengthen relations between NATO and Malta.
During this port visit, the Commander of SNMCMG2, Commander Matthias Seipel, will meet with the Commander of the Maritime Squadron of Malta’s Armed Forces (‘Midalja Ghal Qadi tar-Repubblika’). NATO units will also participate in joint training activities with the Maltese Maritime Squadron to enhance interoperability.
The crews of SNMCMG2 units will also have an excellent opportunity to enjoy the unique historical and cultural heritage of Malta.
“Maintaining a fruitful dialogue with Malta is of great importance to preserve our awareness of the region and deepen cooperation with our Mediterranean partners,” said Commander Seipel.
Since Germany assumed command of SNMCMG2 in June 2013, the Group has patrolled in the North Red Sea, Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea, including support to NATO’s counter-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR. During this deployment, the Group conducted mine counter-measures activities, including Historical Ordnance Disposal operations. The Group had also participated in a number of exercises such as the Greek exercise ARIADNE 13 and the Turkish exercise NUSRET 13.
Story by HQ MARCOM Public Affairs Office
