Baltics: NATO Commander Pushes Assurance Measures Re Russia

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Operations

June 17, 2014
JFC Brunssum Deputy Commander visits Exercise Saber Strike
Brunssum, THE NETHERLANDS: Deputy Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), Air Marshal Graham Stacey, witnessed firsthand a number of Exercise Saber Strike 2014 serials during a visit to Latvia on Monday, 16 June 2014. During his visit, he also met the JFCBS team deployed to the region in the framework of the NATO Assurance Measures developed as a consequence of Russia’s intervention in the Ukraine.
Saber Strike 2014 is an annual, US Army Europe-led, Field Training, Live Fire, Command Post and Computer Aided security cooperation exercise spanning the Baltic States. This years’ event involves participants from 10 countries and is taking place from 9-20 June.
The JFCBS “Assurance” Team has been deployed to Latvia to further enhance close coordination with the host nation and to gain first hand information on what support Latvia might seek from NATO in the light of the crisis in Ukraine. At the same time, the team is observing Exercise Saber Strike 2014 with an eye to identifying lessons that might be incorporated in future Alliance planning.
During his visit, Air Marshal Stacey met with the Chief of Staff of the Joint Headquarters of the Latvian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Juris Zeibarts, and exercise Co-directors, Brigadier General Ainars Ozolins, Latvian Army and Major General Mark McQueen, U.S. Army to discuss the exercise and recent developments in the region.
Air Marshal Stacey pointed out: “It is very much about working together and building the partnerships. The JFCBS “Assurance” team is here in order to capture relevant lessons learned regarding operational capability and interoperability between allies and partners”.
“I think now we have a real opportunity in NATO to improve what we have been doing: build our capabilities, build our collaboration and build on working together. This visit is an opportunity to look sensibly at the responsiveness of our forces and it is also a good chance to look at how Brunssum can continue to build on our relationship pave the way to long term cooperation”.
Brigadier General Zeibarts expressed his appreciation to Air Marshal Stacey for finding the time to travel to Latvia to observe “Saber Strike 2014” and stressed the role of the NATO JFCBS team to enhance further cooperation was a welcome development.
Brigadier General Zeibarts supported the desire to develop further strong cooperation amongst Allies. “Taking into account the changed situation in the region, it is important to emphasize the principles of collective defence and partnership, as well as demonstrate the NATO Assurance measures”, he said. Brigadier General Zeibarts stressed: “all the Baltic States and Poland share the same concerns and appreciate strengthened NATO presence in the region”.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office
