Why Media Talking Heads Claim ISIS Will Attack US 9/11-Style

so its all a bit reptilian…. anyway….
Occupy Corporatism

The talking heads in media are now painting a terrorist threat scenario against the US to fear-monger the public into believing that the al-Qaeda “splinter” group known as ISIS is planning an attack on America.
Senator Lindsey Graham, co-author of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) spoke on Face the Nation, is claiming that “officials have warned the next major attack on U.S. soil could emanate from the region.”
Graham said: “The seeds of 9/11s are being planted all over Iraq and Syria. They want an Islamic caliphate that runs through Syria and Iraq…and they plan to drive us out of the Mideast by attacking us here at home.”
On This Week, retired General Peter Chiarelli echoed Graham by saying that “all Americans should be concerned” about ISIS’ sudden appearance in Iraq.
House Representative Mike Rogers told Fox News: “I guarantee you: this is a problem that we will have to face and we’re either going to face it in New York City or we’re going to face it here.”
Rogers elaborated: “These are not monkey bar terrorists out in the desert somewhere planning some very low-level attack. These are sophisticated, command and controlled, seasoned combat veterans who understand the value of terrorism operations external to the region, meaning Europe and the United States. That is about as dangerous a recipe as you can put together.”
The Congressman also mentioned a “jihadist Disneyland” happening in Syria because of tremendous radicalization.
Rogers said that ISIS “is an al Qaeda-inspired group that certainly has al Qaeda ties, that now has the capability to tap people with Western passports to send them back to Europe and the United States for terrorist activity. That’s a problem for us.”
Another talking head, Army Colonel Kenneth King maintians that ISIS has made “indications” of the al-Qaeda spin-off’s intent because, according to King, the alleged leader of ISIS said in 2009, “I’ll see you guys in New York.”
Michael Morell, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and current intelligence and national security expert for CBS News, claims that in 2013, it was predicted that ISIS would become a serious threat to America via al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Yemen.
Morell said: “If it looks like the U.S. influence in Iraq is increasing once again, the threat from ISIS could also rise. That’s one of the downsides of U.S. involvement. The more we visibly get involved in helping the [Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki] government fight these guys, the more we become a target.”
Unverifiable photos were published online that claim to show ISIS members killing Iraq soliders.
Juan Zarate, analyst for CBS News told the media al-Qaeda is influencing the group called ISIS who is made up of rebels from Syria.
Zarate said: “You do have very senior al Qaeda figures who have migrated to the Syrian conflict to provide strategic guidance and direction and to me that’s incredibly dangerous because you have operatives and strategists who have had squarely in mind to turn the attention of these groups toward the west.”
The rebels in Syria, known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are comprised of Salafi militants from Saudi Arabia.
These same faction of terrorists that attacked the villa where US Ambassador Stevens was murdered is in Syria fighting the proxy war for the US.
The Salafi terrorist cells are given different names depending on their location geographically (such as al-Qaeda, FSA, etc. . .) so that the idea that they are separate is purveyed to the general public. However, they are subscribing to an extreme form of Islam that is encompassing in Saudi Arabia.
The Partisans of Sharia (PoS), or Ansar al-Sharia, are directly connected to the Muslim Brotherhood who believe that those who do not adhere to Sharia law should be crucified .
During the manufactured Arab Spring in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood was able to obtain power through violence against the Egyptian citizens.
Partisans or followers of the Muslim Brotherhood are tied to the Salafi version of Islam that demand complete adherence to the religion, lest they be deemed an infidel and killed.
The Salafis being used in Syria are exceptionally violent and adhere to sectarianism with complete abhorrence for the US.
This ideal is fostered because it helps to facilitate the psychological mindset necessary for manipulation.
Back in October of 2012, the FSA were being armed by Saudi Arabia.
The attack in Aleppo was actually funded with ammunition and weaponry from the US-aligned Middle Eastern nation. The FSA denied knowledge of how they came to obtain this shipment from Saudi Arabia; however it is fairly obvious that the Salafi extremists in their country are supporting the US-backed terrorist faction.
Saudi officials declined comment thinking that refusal to speak will correspond with their ignorance. Yet, Saudi ammunition has been used since the inception of the CIA-trained “rebels” paid for my “foreign aid” from the US and British governments.
This subversive supplying of weapons to terrorists has resulted in the use of IEDs and car bombs to destroy the intelligence headquarters of the Syrian government in Damascus.
Read the rest HERE

