Impeach Clarence Thomas, Some Say!

Some say impeach Clarence Thomas for behavior bad,
For our Constitution says behavior good,
Which means no high crimes and bad demeanor.
Still honor has lost its prayer.
Held beyond reproach, tradition says,
While his judgments for millions slays,
the freedom that was our land.
For honor has lost its prayer.
Years of reports omitted 700K of pay,
Spousal non-investment income a hidden tray,
For mere mortals a felony charge they say.
But honor has lost its prayer.
No felony for Clarence — above the law?
Equal treatment is farce, tho established w/o flaw,
At least till Tricky Dick was pardoned, Ford said to heal.
Honor has surely lost its prayer.
A Supreme is free to retreat in training for a coup,
Very rich chieftains were there to arrange the spew,
Months before United brought secret money speak.
Honor has lost its prayer.
Done in ’10 secret money did ride the golden mare,
Clarence and 4 others shared the ride with flare,
All forgetting their solemn charter pledge.
For honor has lost its prayer.
His ’08 report showed four days reimbursed,
A brief dropby, though days he was immersed,
With Kochs at a Palms Springs cave.
For honor has lost its prayer.
Liberty Central and Tea Party had merged,
His spouse and Armey, had meant to purge,
Obamacare from the uninsured land.
For honor has lost its prayer.
The Court majority calmly takes,
Away the rights our founders drove as stakes,
Into a Constitutional base.
Honor has surely lost its prayer.
But now in tilted chair disinterest has settled in,
No harassing talk of pubic hair on cans of tin,
Only silence & stony stares in a Court of weighty things.
Honor’s prayer and attention, money does erase.
