Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 111

A Counter-Hegemonic Foundation

This episode examines the ideas and planning behind a new organization that myself and a few friends are in the process of founding: ‘Voice of Access: The People’s Foundation’. This non-governmental organization is being founded on the basis of an historical understanding of the roles played by major hegemonic foundations (like Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, etc.) in social engineering and social control. With this understanding, the People’s Foundation hopes to act as a facilitator, funding source and supporter for organizations, intellectual/research efforts, new media, activists and social movements that counter and challenge power structures instead of promote slow reform which pushes movements and intellectuals and activists into areas that are safe for the existing social order. The People’s Foundation aims to help facilitate the transition to a revolutionary society. This episode examines some of the ideas and initiatives behind this broad objective.
Listen to the full episode here (BFP Subscribers Only):