Guest Post From Bonnie Watson Coleman, The Progressive Running For Rush Holt's Seat In New Jersey

Several friends had been telling me about what an outstanding candidate Bonnie Watson Coleman, running for the New Jersey seat Rush Holt is giving up. What I was hearing most of all was that she isn't just a strong and committed progressive bout that she's an intrepid and well-tested fighter. Then, a couple of days ago I heard from our old friend, Barbara Buono, who will no doubt recall as the progressive and very prescient candidate beaten by Chris Christie. In the note Barbara sent me, and in a subsequent phone call to discuss it, she emphasized that when other Democratic officials were busy endorsing Christie or playing footsie with him, Bonnie was one of her "fiercest advocates… Bonnie is a not a fair weather progressive and her judgement is never clouded by fear or self-interest."We need someone in Congress," she wrote, "who will not falter in the face of opposition. The people of New Jersey's 12th district need someone that will stand with President Obama and Democrats in Congress against the Tea Party to protect Social Security and Medicare, fight for pay equity, and work to get guns off our streets. It is for this reason that I have chosen to both fully endorse Bonnie Watson Coleman for Congress and serve as a co-chair on her campaign committee." That's strong praise from a most trusted source.When Democrats were running away from the uphill battle to deny Chris Christie a second term, Bonnie stood side by side with Barbara, strong and vocal against the Republican governor’s regressive ideals and transactional, self-interested politics. She did not waiver even in the face of the Democratic backroom bosses within the Party. Bonnie Watson Coleman is who we need in Washington. She is the strong progressive who will stand up for our shared values; she is the voice that will not back down; she is our fighter. That's why Blue America is endorsing her and why we invited her to do a guest post today. Please read it and see if you can find it in your heart to give her a hand with her campaign on our Blue America ActBlue page. Remember, Rush Holt’s legacy has been predicated on fighting for his progressive principles. He has always stood up for the people of New Jersey, even in the face of strong opposition and sometimes difficult odds in his constant pursuit of the Democratic values we all hold so dear. Like Rush, Bonnie has stood up for the people of New Jersey-- for children, seniors, the most vulnerable."I Am Not A Conservative, Nor Am I A Moderate. I Am A Progressive."-by Bonnie Watson ColemanFor those who do not know me, I am humbled by the opportunity to introduce myself and my candidacy for Congressman Rush Holt’s seat. While I have big shoes to fill, I can confidently assure you that I am the progressive voice that we need in Washington.I have always stood for those without a voice, both in the Executive Branch as the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action for the Department of Transportation and in the Legislature. From protecting voter rights to supporting healthcare reform and public workers when they have come under fire, I have always been a leader, regardless of the political expedience of the issues.As a member of the New Jersey General Assembly since 1998, I was supported by my Democratic colleagues to become the first African American Majority Leader because they came to respect me as a consistent leader and a dependable fighter for progressive ideals and the interests of working and middle class families. I was also afforded the opportunity to become the first African American woman Chair of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee from 2002 until 2006, working with Democrats throughout the state to raise money, build the Party and win elections across New Jersey.I’ve been a leading advocate for an increased minimum wage for working families, fought to pass a Millionaires Tax in the New Jersey State Legislature. And in Washington, I will keep up the fight against efforts to slash funding for our children’s education and critical health care for women. I believe there is nothing more important than protecting our children, our seniors and the civil and equal rights of all people.I proudly stood on the floor and passionately fought for our brothers and sisters of the LGBTQ community when it came time for marriage equality while others in my party were silent. When elected, I will continue those same values and stand with our President to fight the Tea Party to support Obamacare and fight for strong gun safety measures to take lethal weapons off our streets and out of the hands of criminals. I will not only fight to protect Social Security and Medicare, but fight to expand these crucial programs and call for the Social Security cap to be increased to ensure that everyone pays their fair share.I am guided by my convictions and believe that government is here to serve people, all people. I fight for equality and social justice, and will make sure that every person has a seat at the table. I will be the voice for those who are silenced. I am not a conservative, nor am I a moderate. I am a progressive. I always have been, and I will continue to be.There is a lot of work to do in Washington, DC and we need principled Democrats leaders in Congress to accomplish that. I hope that I can count on you to stand with me for our shared Democratic values.