Two New TV Spots-- Tom Guild (OK-05) And Pat Murphy (IA-01)

As a state legislator-- and Speaker of the House-- Pat Murphy has been working tirelessly and effectively for ordinary Iowa families for many years. They know it and we've written about it before. Blue America endorsed him and we've been asking our supporters to help his campaign. Yesterday, hours after he got the Human Rights Campaign endorsement, he released his first TV ad (above).His district has a PVI of D+5 and Obama beat McCain with 58% and beat Romney with 56%. His most recent FEC statement shows his campaign with $224,288 cash on hand. He is favored to win a crowded primary and win in November as well.Below is another brand new, first TV ad, this one for Tom Guild, the Blue America-endorsed candidate from Oklahoma City. He has a far more difficult electoral terrain to navigate. His district's PVI is a daunting R+12. McCain and Romney each beat Obama 59-41%. But Tom is unflappable and has been running full-on with progressive messaging. Like Murphy, there is no Republican-lite coming out of him. And he has a much tougher primary against a more conservative state Senator, Al McAffrey. The Republican incumbent, though, James Lankford, a religionist nut, is running for the U.S. Senate, so at least whomever wins the Democratic primary has a shot without having to run against an entrenched incumbent. Guild's ad is below. This morning he told me that "The Ryan Budget is another unmitigated disaster. Supporting the progressive budget will turn around the ship of state and get our country moving in the right direction again. It will give seniors, the working class, women, college students, immigrants, minorities, and underserved communities hope again." Right now, his campaign is gathering signatures to put raising the minimum wage to $10.10 to a vote of the people in Oklahoma City. Good idea.Please take a look at both ads. Is there anything you like (or dislike) about either. Let us know. And, if you are so inclined, contribute to either or both campaigns to help them get the ads up on TV. Both of them are on the same Blue America page.