Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 26th, 2013

It is Sunday, Memorial Day weekend in the formerly great United States of America, and time again for my weekly rant....I am a bit later than usual today in firing off this article... It has been a very hectic day here,and I have been busy taking care of family matters....But better late than never.... The first matter that needs to be cleared up is of course the recent False Flag (yes, it was indeed a false flag) "Beheading" murder done in the Woolwich suburb of London England..... I and others that called this a hoax  almost from the get go have been under increasing attacks by those who have swallowed the Aspartame (or Sucralose) laced Fluoridated water based Kool-aid and believe the Jewish controlled media when it screams that this "terrorist" beheading attack was conducted by several crazed "Black Muslim Terrorists"....With the previous false flag attacks in the United States already being shown clearly to be massive criminal operations, and not as the mainstream media portrays...Why do people refuse to place this Woolwich "beheading" attack in the same context?   I mean... Come on, now, people!.... There are now dozens of videos, and photographic evidence that show definitive proof the Woolwich attack was a staged (and very poorly done) operation.   Has everyone neglected to look at recent revelations that British Intelligence actually attempted to hire the "killer" months before his alleged "attack"?...In spite of the evidence of Woolwich being a fraud, the vast majority of people believe the outright lies perpetrated by the Jewish controlled media instead!   It is so pathetic to see that these criminals can now blatantly botch an operation such as Woolwich, and yet the public swallows the BS media lies without even thinking.I for one am standing firm on calling this Woolwich operation for what it is... A planned operation to stir up racial hatred in the United Kingdom, and to trigger race wars across the entire nation.    That and to get the passage of the recent bill in the UK House of Commons that would allow UK officials and police legal access to every British citizen's personal communications.   It does indeed seem now that with this newest "terrorist" attack, this outrageous freedom stripping "snooping" bill will pass through and become law with little opposition!And on the problem of racial tension, we see the general public in the UK fall for the "Muslim Terrorist" lies by the increasing calls for revenge against "Muslims and Islam" for this "beheading".   Those who know the truth can see that this rush to hatred against Muslims and Islam itself is exactly what the Jews want.   Many forget that it is the Jewish wet dream to have the almost 2 Billion Christians and the 2 Billion Muslims slug it out to the death, with the Jews being the instigators of the fight sitting on the sidelines, laughing themselves silly, and waiting for both groups to annihilate each other... One that annihilation is complete, they the Jews come in as they have long planned and take over with almost no opposition...It has always troubled me that people cannot see the obvious when it comes to these "False Flag" attacks.. Last year, we had the Aurora "killings" that was obviously conducted by a hit team of at least 2 individuals, and yet the general public has to accept the ridiculous notion of a drugged up "lone gunman"doing the deed.... Then we have the Sandy Hook operation that was most definitely a pre-planned operation to both strike fear in the general public,and also to scare the public into accepting "gun controls"... That backfired badly because few are still swallowing the ridiculous notion that a drugged up "lone gunman" carried out this operation as well..... And then we had the Boston "Bombing" that was also a pre-planned operation to again strike fear into the general public, and to push for more gun controls and stripping of American freedoms and liberty... But this is also backfiring because of the ridiculous aftermath where the obviously innocent fall guys for this operation were quickly silenced....We also have the sudden mysterious deaths of some of the witnesses, and even the mysterious accidental deaths of several of the FBI officials that conducted the manhunt for the patsies.....It seemed that as each operation was conducted, the real perpetrators got more and more sloppy , and each was more botched than the previous one as time went on.....And now we have the ridiculous Woolwich "beheading" that was so full of holes that anyone with any intelligence could drive a truck through it....The words pathetic and ludicrous does not even describe this latest laugher.... And yet, the general public gobbles it up and most do not even question the "official story"......Pathetic indeed.....Well the mainstream media has kept the sheeple mesmerized by this latest sham in the UK, there has been major news happening elsewhere in the world....This last week saw more and more victories by the popular Bashar Assad government forces in Syria over the murderous US/Israeli paid for "rebels".   I actually searched for any news in the so called "press" that showed that Assad was winning his war against these criminals, but of course I found NONE..... Not surprising, considering that the criminal Israelis are directly funding these "rebels" and we know that the "press" will never publish anything that paints their glorious Israel in a bad light...People must understand the truth about the situation in Syria.... The facts are that the Syrians are winning this war, and the so called "rebels" have been fractured and are now on the verge of total defeat.   This is why the criminals in the US, Israel, and NATO are still pushing for their "no fly zone" over Syria as a prelude to invasion of that peaceful nation.   Again, anyone can turn on the Jewish controlled news services and see absolutely no reports of the pending total defeat of the murderous "rebels".We also have reports this last week of Israeli forces again firing artillery and rockets into Syria from the occupied Golan Heights, and doing overflights of Lebanese territory with American paid for F16 fighter planes which is a direct violation of that nation's airspace.... This is obviously being done purposely to goad the Lebanese, the Syrians, and even "Hezbollah" to retaliate by firing back into Israeli territory, or taking shots at these aircraft.... Such a reaction could give the Israelis their long planned excuse for an invasion of both Syria and Lebanon themselves....Israel wants war desperately, and they know they can have their war by goading these nations directly and use their controlled media to lie to the world that their poor little nation is under attack....The real wild card in this war on Syria is of course Russia, which will not stand idly by and watch the criminals in Israel and their puppets in NATO and the United States destroy that innocent nation.   This is why the Russians have moved at least 14 surface ships to ports in Syria, and have made good on the delivery of the S300 antiaircraft missile systems for the defense of Syrian airspace.... This means that the criminal Israelis and their American puppets have to reassess their push for war on Syria, because such a war could mean war with Russia itself!Of course, while the debacle in Syria was going on, the American public was inundated this last week by the ongoing scandal in the Soetoro White House concerning last year's botched Benghazi operation.  I have not placed any articles in this blog on this fiasco, simply because I do look upon this as a distraction for the dumbed down American public while both their economy collapses, and America continues to plan for wars for their masters in Tel Aviv.   But to answer a few who want me to comment on this Benghazi fiasco, I will lay it out right here.... Soetoro and his cohorts planned the Benghazi operation to make him look like a hero and "presidential" during the time that many doubted that he could get re-elected in 2012.  The problem was that the entire operation was botched from the word go, and since that time, Soetoro and his spin doctors have been doing everything possible to reduce the damage to his presidency.... I look at the Benghazi operation as definitely an impeachable offense, and that bum should be thrown out of office immediately... And as far as his then murderous Secretary of State, Hillary (Killery The Kackling Kanckled Klotting Killer Kommie) Rodham Clinton should also be in jail for her part in that botched operation, and end her sick dream of becoming President of the United States in 2016.The war on Iran continues.... Last week the US Senate pushed through a bill that will call for automatic support by the United States WHEN the Israelis finally launch their planned attack on that innocent nation.  This received almost no fanfare in the media outlets (imagine my complete lack of shock), and shows again the total control over the American government by Jewish interests.....I had said it before and I will say it again... Every one of these traitors to the American people should be either in Jail for treason, or forced to surrender their US citizenship and board the first aircraft to Tel Aviv so that they can go and live in that psycho nation....And of course we see the US and Israel ramp up their false rhetoric against Iran, still sticking to the lies of Iran "building nuclear weapons".    This false claim to justify war has been going on long enough, and more people, I am glad to say, are no longer fooled....  It does make me wonder what the latest excuse will be to justify an attack on Iran, and readers, that excuse must come very quickly because Soetoro's pledge to have Iran attacked by this summer is still on the table,...That time is fast approaching... Something big is definitely coming down very soon and everyone must be prepared for when these criminals pull off their newest false flag attack, and tell the world that Iran is absolutely not at fault...I see that the so called "ARMED March on Washington" by that JEW Adan Kokesh is still being planned for the July 4th weekend..... I sure hope the American public put a halt to this planned march immediately... Marching on Washington DC (as well as other state capitols) with armed citizens is the worst idea ever....If the American government ever needed an excuse to strip the guns from the American citizens, the sight of thousands of armed citizens marching on Capitol hill would definitely give them their excuse!  When I found out that the man behind this "armed march" was Jewish, I smelled a rat... And it made sense that the Jews would have one of their own tribe, Kokesh, plan this march just so they could strip the American public of their guns... It is my hope that the American people see through this deception and absolutely end this planned march before it even begins.....On July 4th, if you must protest.. do it without any guns or weapons...I see this week that the US Government has again refused to provide any pictures of their agent, Osama Bin Laden, (Tim Osman) who was ..ahem.."killed" in that great operation on a "compound" in Pakistan back in May 2011..... The facts are again that there are absolutely NO pictures of Bin Laden from that operation... But how could there be? US CIA agent Osama Bin Laden died of complications due to kidney failure in the Tora Bora mountain area of northeastern Afghanistan way back in December, 2001.   I am puzzled that the American public still cannot see through the entire deception of that fraud Pakistan compound operation that absolutely did not get a man that had already been dead for over 9 years... But the American public is too dumbed down by chemicals now and believing the Hollywood hoax called "Zero Dark Thirty" to actually ask hard questions of their own government..... Pathetic indeed!Some people have been inquiring as to the status of my friend, ally, and fellow truth seeker, Whitewraithe, who writes the Pragmatic Witness site at   I will let everyone know that Wraithe has decided to take a semi-permanent hiatus from blogging while she continues to search for employment.   She has always been a fighter, and I still communicate with her on a regular basis to discuss a wide range of subjects....  But the fact that she has been unable to find work for the last while has really hurt her spirit.    She has told me that she is not wanting to quit, and will be back once her work situation is cleared up.....Well... I guess that is it for now.... But I will close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits.... The collapsing economic situation around the world has not changed, and in fact is getting worse by the day.  It is any wonder that the Jewish press continues to fill the media with fluff while they continue to fleece what is left of our economies?......No change in the situation at Fukushima Japan, as TEPCO continues to dump their radioactive waste directly into the Pacific Ocean.   It will take billions upon billions of dollars to clean up this mess, but that money is better being spent for wars for Israel, right?......There were planned marches against the criminal organization Monsanto put on this weekend in over 30 countries.  I do wonder where the sanity is in our governments that they support the criminal corporation Monsanto which is right now wanting to permanently poison our planet and possibly kill billions of people in the process?......I put up several articles the other day that to me deal with a real issue, which is the present state of our public education.  I am troubled that few people have taken a close look at these important articles.  Does anyone not care about the horrible curriculum that they are teaching our kids in the public education system these days? ..... And now the news about America's greatest family, the Kardashians!  I put up an alarming article the other day where researchers stated that human IQ has fallen almost 14 points in the last century alone. I wonder if there is a connection between falling IQ and the rise of popularity by that family of skanks and misfits. Hmmm...I do wonder....More to comeNTS