Ariel Sharon dead

 Updates at bottomTop of the news heap this am. Don't know why. He has been dead for a long time anyway.Certainly none of us ordinary people would be kept on life support for the length of time this man was.There are articles referencing his leadershipHero or Butcher?Since he was a military man. In a lead position. Filled with hate. I am going with butcher, myself.

WP-Many had written off Ariel Sharon after his ill-fated 1982 invasion of Lebanon and a government commission’s finding that he was indirectly responsible for the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians at the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps outside Beirut.These were Sharon’s people — less-educated, simple, straightforward and hardworking, who shared his views of Arabs as untrustworthy types who understood only the use of force.

And full of bias. An ingrained hatred. A trait he shares with so many Israelis

In 1973, with the Yom Kippur War going against Israel, he thumbed his nose at superiors who tried to keep him in check and led an Israeli force across the Suez Canal, trapping part of Egypt’s army and turning the war in Israel’s favor.

 When I find more it will be posted. Nothing fawning though. Because he doesn't deserve any fawning over at all. He did not work for peace. Caused more division. Sowed more hatred. And killed more humans. In a world that needs less of that.Interesting headline  Sharon: A ruthless enforcer in tune with Israel's mood

Israelis saw something of themselves in this larger-than-life fighter, hero, provocateur, avenger. He reflected the national mood.

That is one ugly mood.

Yes, I am being informed along with you. Hat tip Kassandra:

kassandraJanuary 11, 2014 at 6:59 AM
A fitting end for the butcher. Eight years in diapers wallowing in his own s**t. I do remember that indeed The Butcher was dead shortly after his heart attack, but that son Omri kept him on life support because he was charged with some criminal scamming

 A bit of news on the Sharon family corruption

A recent corruption index placed Omri Sharon, the recently convicted son of Ariel Sharon, Israel's prime minister, in first place, followed by a list of high-ranking ministers of all political hues, showing that numerous cases of graft and cronyism publicised in recent years have taken their toll.

 Omri Sharon hoped to draw a line under one scandal that has swirled around his family  Ariel Sharon this week set up a new party, likely to be called National Responsibility, after quitting Likud and leaving behind a hornet's nest

 Benjamin Netanyahu, former finance minister and frontrunner to lead Likud, accused the Sharon family of bringing large-scale corruption into Likud in recent years. "We will take action to clean things up, to achieve propriety," Mr Netanyahu told Israel Radio on Tuesday. "We want a different Likud from that which Sharon left us."

And for MusiquemusiqueJanuary 11, 2014 at 6:30 AM

Hi Penny,How's going? :) We are all munchkins ( overgrown) today ...I donno 'bout you but I'm planning on singing "Ding Dong ...the witch is dead" all day long! Hmmm, you better put the video to go with it. Hehehe

Ding Dong!