Did You Hear The One About The Deranged Lesbian Who Voted Against Marriage Equality?

Sad, pathetic person

"Truth is on the side of the oppressed… If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”-Malcolm X

A couple of years ago, when uber corrupt, very conservative and somewhat homophobic state Senator Colleen Hanabusa decided to try once again to get into the U.S. House of Representatives-- having been defeated several times previously-- she resigned from her state Senate seat. Governor Neil Abercrombie appointed state Rep. Maile Shimabukuro to her old seat and then appointed Jo (Georgette) Jordan to Shimabukuro's old state House seat just northwest of Honolulu (Wai‘anae, Mākaha, Makua, and Māʻili). Not many people had heard of her until this week when she made history-- the first openly gay legislator anywhere to vote against marriage equality. (So this is different from closet cases like Aaron Schock (R-IL), Patrick McHenry (R-NC), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Miss McConnell (R-KY), Larry Craig (R-ID) or any of the endless parade of hypocritical Republican closet cases who routinely vote against equality for the LGBT community their fears and careerism alienate them from. Georgette is an out lesbian-- a shockingly stupid one, but still an out one. How do I know she's stupid? That wasn't a gratuitous slam against someone I disagree with; this is one extremely stupid person. Read her pathetic, incoherent and moronic interview in the new Honolulu Magazine about… how no mainlanders are going to tell her what to do! She even admits she's intellectually out of her depth in the state legislature and still hasn't figured out what's going on. This was supposed to be an interview about why she voted against the LGBT community.Friends in the legislature have told me she's a petty, vindictive little shit who's angry at the world for being dealt a bad hand and angry at Democrats, embittered after having her side lost a leadership fight at the start of the current term. She voted against marriage equality even while admitting that 75% of her constituents favored it. I hope they remember when she's up for reelection.What we do know about her is that she takes campaign money from shady donors like the NRA and Big Tobacco and that she identifies with religionist bigots who think they are entitled to force gay people into second class citizenship because of their primitive beliefs. She would be Malcolm X's worst nightmare… if he could even stop laughing. Meanwhile, religious right hate mongers are calling her a hero and using her to cast aspersions on the LGBT community fighting off the bigots. From Tony Perkin's own personal hate group, he Family Research Council:

During the hearings, when she hadn’t stated her position, Jordan says that she expected “to get blasted by the religious community.” Instead, pastors and faith leaders stunned her with their outpouring of thanks just for listening. The people who were truly hostile, Jordan says, were her own LGBT community.…It doesn’t matter who you are, homosexual activists will harass anyone who isn’t one hundred percent sold out to their radical agenda to remake society. Unfortunately, Jo Jordan found that out the hard way. Hopefully, her story will help dissuade others from trying to appease the extreme Left on marriage.