Lockdown Skeptics

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
Over 20,000 Children Have Disappeared From School Rolls Fri, 04/23/2021 - 15:26 Fri, 04/23/2021 - 23:08
Official: Covid Pandemic Over in Britain Fri, 04/23/2021 - 15:20 Fri, 04/23/2021 - 23:08
Students Appeal to Competition and Markets Authority Over Tuition Fees Fri, 04/23/2021 - 15:08 Fri, 04/23/2021 - 23:08
12 Year-Olds to Be Given Covid Vaccines from September Fri, 04/23/2021 - 11:59 Fri, 04/23/2021 - 23:08
News Round Up Fri, 04/23/2021 - 03:31 Fri, 04/23/2021 - 23:08
Boris is the Great Appeaser Who Caves in to the “Experts” at the Expense of Ordinary People Fri, 04/23/2021 - 00:35 Fri, 04/23/2021 - 23:08
Imperial College’s Modelling is Even Worse Than We Thought Thu, 04/22/2021 - 23:31 Fri, 04/23/2021 - 23:08
Mass Covid Testing a “Waste of Time and Money”, MPs Told Tue, 04/20/2021 - 21:13 Wed, 04/21/2021 - 01:32
Civil Service Job Advert Confirms Covid Passports Are In Development Tue, 04/20/2021 - 19:12 Wed, 04/21/2021 - 01:34
Warning About Blood Clots Should be Added to Labels for Johnson & Johnson’s Covid Vaccine, Says E.U.’s Medicines Regulator Tue, 04/20/2021 - 18:17 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 19:12
Ministers Created Confusion by Not Differentiating Between Lockdown Guidance and Law, Police Watchdog Says Tue, 04/20/2021 - 12:49 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 19:12
More Than 810,000 UK Workers Have Lost Jobs Since March 2020 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 10:13 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 19:12
You Can Catch Covid Twice – But it’s Very Rare and Very Mild Tue, 04/20/2021 - 02:40 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 06:38
News Round Up Tue, 04/20/2021 - 01:58 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 06:38
Britain Records Lowest Daily Covid Death Toll Since the Start of September Mon, 04/19/2021 - 20:00 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 00:20
India Added to “Red List” over New Variant Concerns Mon, 04/19/2021 - 18:27 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 00:20
The War on Pubs is Being Waged by Puritans Against Joy Mon, 04/19/2021 - 18:07 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 00:20
“We Have to Compare Sweden to Its Neighbours” Isn’t a Convincing Argument Mon, 04/19/2021 - 17:16 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 00:20
Pub Landlord Who Banned Keir Starmer is Sceptic of the Week Mon, 04/19/2021 - 16:49 Mon, 04/19/2021 - 17:58
‘First Do No Harm’ Means Not Giving the Covid Vaccine to Young People Mon, 04/19/2021 - 16:36 Tue, 04/20/2021 - 06:38
Police Unable to Deal With Crowds Due to Outdoor Hospitality Rules Mon, 04/19/2021 - 15:32 Mon, 04/19/2021 - 17:58
Closing Playgrounds during Covid Has Fuelled “Pandemic of Mental Health Problems” among Children, according to Parliamentary Committee Mon, 04/19/2021 - 13:52 Mon, 04/19/2021 - 17:58
U.K. Trial Launched to Deliberately Infect People with Covid after They’ve Already Had It Mon, 04/19/2021 - 12:32 Mon, 04/19/2021 - 17:58
News Round Up Mon, 04/19/2021 - 02:21 Mon, 04/19/2021 - 17:58
BMJ: 2020 Was Less Deadly Than Every Year Before 2009 Mon, 04/19/2021 - 01:42 Mon, 04/19/2021 - 17:58
Israel Begins to Ease Lockdown Restrictions as around 80% Of Its Population Are Now Vaccinated Sun, 04/18/2021 - 23:44 Mon, 04/19/2021 - 17:58
Deaths Linked to Covid Vaccines are 30 Times More Common than with Other Vaccines – Is the Safety Reporting System Fit for Purpose? Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:27 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
Toby Green’s New Book is the Perfect Cure For the Covid Lobotomy Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:16 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
International Travel Restrictions Likely to Be In Place For Some Time, Says Nicola Sturgeon Sun, 04/18/2021 - 14:15 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
SAGE Modelling From May Last Year Said Approach Recommended in Great Barrington Declaration Was Least Bad Alternative to Lockdown Sun, 04/18/2021 - 13:48 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
Too Early to Tell If Hospitality Can Reopen On May 17th, Says Minister Sun, 04/18/2021 - 13:21 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
Britain’s Regulator Missed Early Blood Clot Cases Linked to AstraZeneca Vaccine Sun, 04/18/2021 - 10:45 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
News Round Up Sun, 04/18/2021 - 02:44 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
If Lockdowns are Needed, Why Did More People Die in U.S. States Which Locked Down Than Those Which Did Not? Sun, 04/18/2021 - 02:02 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
U.S. States Say They Are Running Out of People Willing to Take a Covid Vaccine Sat, 04/17/2021 - 22:44 Sun, 04/18/2021 - 16:50
Young People Should Not be Strong-Armed Into Getting Vaccinated Sat, 04/17/2021 - 18:22 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
Almost 15% Of English Health Service Workers Remain Unvaccinated Sat, 04/17/2021 - 17:34 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
Vaccine Immunity “Won’t Just Disappear” in Face Of Covid Variants, Says JCVI Member Sat, 04/17/2021 - 14:48 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
Would Cameron Have Handled the Covid Crisis Better Than Boris? Sat, 04/17/2021 - 13:06 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
Pregnant Women Should Be Offered Covid Vaccine, New Government Advice Says Sat, 04/17/2021 - 12:13 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
News Round Up Sat, 04/17/2021 - 03:16 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: Lockdowns Were a Huge Mistake Sat, 04/17/2021 - 02:33 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
Sweden’s Professor Johan Giesecke: “I Think I Got Most Things Right, Actually” Sat, 04/17/2021 - 01:56 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
Royal College of Nursing Comes Out against Mandatory Vaccination for Health and Social Care Staff Fri, 04/16/2021 - 19:06 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
Cost of Covid Tests for Holidaymakers Still Too High, Says Travel Firm Fri, 04/16/2021 - 15:24 Sat, 04/17/2021 - 21:48
News Round Up Fri, 04/16/2021 - 03:54 Fri, 04/16/2021 - 07:44
Is the Government Levelling With Us About the Vaccines? Fri, 04/16/2021 - 03:04 Fri, 04/16/2021 - 07:44
The Case For Lockdown Collapsed When Sweden’s Epidemic Began to Retreat Thu, 04/15/2021 - 21:00 Fri, 04/16/2021 - 01:28
Where Do London’s Mayoral Candidates Stand on Lockdown? Thu, 04/15/2021 - 19:40 Fri, 04/16/2021 - 01:28
Most Care Home Vaccine Rates below Government Guidance Thu, 04/15/2021 - 18:51 Fri, 04/16/2021 - 01:28