Paul Craig Roberts

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
The Idiot British Pay A High Price For Being Washington’s Puppet Fri, 04/01/2022 - 14:21 Fri, 04/01/2022 - 17:38
Austria, Hungary Say No Substitute to Russian Gas as Germany’s BASF Warns of Worst Crisis Since WWII Fri, 04/01/2022 - 14:17 Fri, 04/01/2022 - 17:38
Ukrainian Update #9 Fri, 04/01/2022 - 14:10 Fri, 04/01/2022 - 17:38
China Says NATO Has Lived 31 Years Past Its Time Fri, 04/01/2022 - 13:57 Fri, 04/01/2022 - 17:40
Idiot Biden  Regime Now Threatening India Fri, 04/01/2022 - 13:56 Fri, 04/01/2022 - 17:40
West Cut Its Own Throat With Sanctions Fri, 04/01/2022 - 13:54 Fri, 04/01/2022 - 17:40
Biden Wants To Tax Income That You Don’t Have Thu, 03/31/2022 - 15:31 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 22:00
The Sanctions Have Backfired Thu, 03/31/2022 - 15:25 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 22:00
Having Cleared US Bases out of Ukraine, Russia Will Now Clear Them Out of Central Asia Thu, 03/31/2022 - 15:25 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 22:00
Russian MoD: Kiev Regime Seriously Considered Using Bioweapons Against Russia, Donbass Thu, 03/31/2022 - 15:24 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 22:00
When the Russians Finish Cleansing Ukraine of Nazis They Should Clear France of Nazis Thu, 03/31/2022 - 15:23 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 22:02
The Covid Narrative Has Collapsed but the Push for Vaccination Continues Wed, 03/30/2022 - 22:26 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 01:38
‘100 Percent’ Vaccinated Cruise Ship Hit With COVID-19 Outbreak Wed, 03/30/2022 - 22:25 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 01:38
Top civilian commander at US air base led child sex abuse ring Wed, 03/30/2022 - 22:24 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 01:38
Canada’s Corrupt and Immoral Left-Wing Party Gives the Tyrant Trudeau the Support that Keeps the Tyrant in Power Wed, 03/30/2022 - 22:23 Thu, 03/31/2022 - 01:38
As I feared, the West does not take Putin seriously Wed, 03/30/2022 - 03:16 Wed, 03/30/2022 - 05:56
Does the Kremlin Know What It Is Doing? Wed, 03/30/2022 - 02:34 Wed, 03/30/2022 - 05:56
The Western World Has Had Its Run Tue, 03/29/2022 - 18:13 Tue, 03/29/2022 - 22:48
PCR Interviewed by Sputnik on Petro-Ruble Mon, 03/28/2022 - 17:04 Mon, 03/28/2022 - 21:32
If the Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Kill Us, the Tech Companies Will Mon, 03/28/2022 - 16:27 Mon, 03/28/2022 - 21:32
The Americans Involved in Creating the Covid Virus Need to be Tried just like the Nazi Doctors Mon, 03/28/2022 - 16:26 Mon, 03/28/2022 - 21:32
The Massive War Crimes of the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama Regimes Are Going Unpunished Mon, 03/28/2022 - 16:24 Mon, 03/28/2022 - 21:32
The Western World is Being Pushed into Tyranny Mon, 03/28/2022 - 16:24 Mon, 03/28/2022 - 21:32
Russian Energy Exports Help to Kill Russian Soldiers Sun, 03/27/2022 - 14:50 Sun, 03/27/2022 - 19:56
How Much Evidence Does the Kremlin Need Before Russia Realizes that the US is an Enemy, not a Partner? Sun, 03/27/2022 - 14:40 Sun, 03/27/2022 - 19:56
Mike Whitney Reminds Us What Ukraine Is Really About Sun, 03/27/2022 - 14:39 Sun, 03/27/2022 - 19:56
emails published by media suggest Hunter Biden did fund Ukraine biolabs Sun, 03/27/2022 - 14:39 Sun, 03/27/2022 - 19:56
Canada’s Dictator, Trudeau, a piece of fascist excrement, gets his comeuppance in front of the EU Sun, 03/27/2022 - 14:37 Sun, 03/27/2022 - 19:56
Rule of Law in America Is On Its Death Bed Sun, 03/27/2022 - 14:36 Sun, 03/27/2022 - 19:56
NATO Is Propagandizing Itself Into War Fri, 03/25/2022 - 18:42 Sat, 03/26/2022 - 01:12
Will Putin Wake Up in Time to Save Russia? Fri, 03/25/2022 - 13:53 Fri, 03/25/2022 - 18:56
Russia Has a First Rate Military But Is Incompetent On Every Other Front Fri, 03/25/2022 - 13:39 Fri, 03/25/2022 - 18:56
Reality Fri, 03/25/2022 - 13:38 Fri, 03/25/2022 - 18:56
Russian Defense Ministry announced the involvement of Biden’s son’s foundation in financing biowar laboratories in Ukraine Fri, 03/25/2022 - 13:38 Fri, 03/25/2022 - 18:56
Will Putin Wake Up to the Threat of Russia’s Atlanticist Integrationists? Thu, 03/24/2022 - 14:03 Thu, 03/24/2022 - 20:24
Finally Putin Is Listening Thu, 03/24/2022 - 13:01 Thu, 03/24/2022 - 20:24
The Face of the Biden Regime Thu, 03/24/2022 - 13:00 Thu, 03/24/2022 - 20:24
Serbia’s President reminds the West it is nothing but a collection of self-righteous criminals Thu, 03/24/2022 - 13:00 Thu, 03/24/2022 - 13:00
One of America’s Worst War Criminals Has Passed Away, thus Escaping the Hangman’s Noose Wed, 03/23/2022 - 20:29 Thu, 03/24/2022 - 00:44
In Case You Care to Know What Is Really Going On Wed, 03/23/2022 - 19:07 Thu, 03/24/2022 - 00:44
Biden Hosts 200 Illegal Biowar Labs in 25 countries, 30 of Them in Ukraine Wed, 03/23/2022 - 13:57 Wed, 03/23/2022 - 18:40
Bandit Governments of Italy and Holland Steal $1.7 Billion from private Russian Civilians Wed, 03/23/2022 - 13:56 Wed, 03/23/2022 - 18:40
Idiot Senator Marco Rubio Thinks He Can Prevent Financial Transactions Between Russia and China Wed, 03/23/2022 - 13:55 Wed, 03/23/2022 - 18:40
Stephen Lendman Reports that Polls Show Americans to be Completely Misinformed Wed, 03/23/2022 - 13:54 Wed, 03/23/2022 - 18:40
Washington Is Driving the World to Nuclear War Wed, 03/23/2022 - 13:53 Wed, 03/23/2022 - 18:40
Why the West Hates Putin Tue, 03/22/2022 - 13:30 Tue, 03/22/2022 - 17:48
US Biowar Labs In Ukraine Tue, 03/22/2022 - 13:15 Tue, 03/22/2022 - 17:48
Biden’s “Russian Sanctions” Are Wrecking the Western Economy Tue, 03/22/2022 - 13:12 Tue, 03/22/2022 - 17:48
Ukrainian Update # 8 Mon, 03/21/2022 - 15:33 Mon, 03/21/2022 - 16:12
Russia Continues to Needlessly Expose Herself to Psyops Mon, 03/21/2022 - 15:27 Mon, 03/21/2022 - 16:12