Stephan Kinsella items

ID Label Imported GUID URL
1009528 Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1013884 Randy Barnett’s “Federalism Amendment”–A Counterproposal; and related posts 2 years 9 months ago https://www.stephankinsella.c… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009417 O! This Libertarian Movement of Ours… ‘Toids, Layabouts, Freaks… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009433 Recent Episodes of Thinking Liberty Podcast: Kevin Carson, Roderick Long,… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009449 My uFollow Channel 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009465 Kinsella Legal Treatises to be Published by West/Thomson Reuters 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009481 Recent TLS Blog Posts 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009497 Selling Nothingness 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009513 Against the Non-Aggression Principle and Self-Ownership? Run! 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009529 Understanding IP: An Interview with Stephan Kinsella 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009290 Polish Translation: How We Come To Own Ourselves 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009322 KOL044 | “Correcting some Common Libertarian Misconceptions” (PFS 2011) 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009354 KOL017 | Liberty Beat Interview (Intellectual Property and cetera) 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009370 KOL002 | “Do patents and copyrights undermine private property?: Yes,”… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009386 In Writing a Novel: One Coincidence Only Is Permitted 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009402 Wozinski: “A Priori of Justice” 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009291 KOL073 | Freedom Feens Radio: The Libertarian Macho Flash Edition 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009307 KOL058 | Guest on Gene Basler Show: Anarcho-capitalist issues (2010) 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009355 KOL016 | Ron Paul vs. Adam Vs. The Man Interview 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009371 KOL001 | “The (State’s) Corruption of (Private) Law” (PFS 2012) 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009387 Ethan’s “Books” Haiku 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009292 KOL072 | Vrijheid Radio Interview: libertarian property theory, Locke,… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009308 KOL057 | Guest on The Peter Mac Show: “Capitalism,” Anarchy, IP and other… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009340 “Locke’s Big Mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Economics… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009356 KOL015 | “Interview by Matt Cockerill of Young Americans for Liberty” … 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009372 Hoppe on Treating Aggressors as Mere “Technical Problems” 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009388 Daily Bell: Mr. Goldberg Apologizes for His Mises/Phone Booth Crack? 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009293 KOL071 | “Intellectual Property Law and Policy” at NYU School of Law… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009309 KOL056 | Guest on Anarchy Time with James Cox: Immigration Issues (2010) 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009357 KOL014 | “Israelis vs. Arabs: What’s the solution?”, Libertarian Politics… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009373 Constitutional rights? and Barnett and the Fourteenth Amendment 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009389 Lea’s Ham Sandwiches 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009405 Samuel Read on Legal Positivism and Capitalism in 1829 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009294 KOL070 | Interview on Red Ice Radio (Sweden) about Libertarianism,… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009358 KOL013 | “Intellectual Property and Libertarianism,” Mises University 2009 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009374 Romanian translation of Against Intellectual Property 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009390 Left-libertarians and aggression: a facebook conversation 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009406 Private Property and Wittgenstein’s Beetle 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009295 Portugese translation of Against Intellectual Property 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009359 KOL012 | “The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009375 The Amazing Smartphone and Devices It Has Replaced 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009391 Epstein: Does the Second Amendment Apply to Washington, D.C.? 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009407 Speaking on “Why Intellectual Property is not Genuine Property” at Adam… 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009296 KOL069 | Thinking Liberty Interview on IP (2011) 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009328 How We Come To Own Ourselves: Spanish Translation 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009360 KOL011 | “Intellectual ‘Property'” (The Lew Rockwell Show, Sept. 24, 2008) 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009376 Enforceability of Browsewrap vs. Clickwrap 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009392 My Amazon Author Page 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009408 Papal Infallibility and Catholic Socialism 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009297 KOL068 | James Cox: Why Man Made Law Is Slavery! 2 years 9 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
KOL038 | Debate with Robert Wenzel on Intellectual Property Mon, 04/01/2013 - 12:53 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:00
KOL037 | Locke’s Big Mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Political Theory Thu, 03/28/2013 - 20:54 Mon, 05/08/2023 - 10:30
KOL036 | Rothbardian Circle Q&A: Lockean Homesteading Wed, 03/27/2013 - 04:22 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:00
KOL035 | Antiwar Interview: Federalism, Bill of Rights, Constitutional Sentimentalism, IP (2010) Thu, 03/21/2013 - 13:29 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
KOL034 | “Mental Self Defense” Radio with Jake Shannon on Intellectual Property Wed, 03/20/2013 - 19:38 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL033 | Free Talk Live Interview on Reducing IP Costs (2010) Mon, 03/18/2013 - 05:52 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
The Golden Age of America is Now Thu, 03/14/2013 - 16:40 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL032 | On the Bill Handel Show Discussing Blackmail, Tiger Woods, David Letterman (2009) Thu, 03/14/2013 - 06:04 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
KOL031 | Smash Walls Radio Podcast: Episode 9: Patent Shenanigans Sun, 03/10/2013 - 15:57 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
KOL030 | Interview with Derek Khanna: Republican Study Committee Copyright Reform Proposal Fri, 03/08/2013 - 13:48 Mon, 07/04/2022 - 23:16
KOL029 | First Degree Liberty Interview: Argumentation Ethics and the Title-Transfer Theory of Contract Wed, 03/06/2013 - 11:04 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
“Locke’s Big Mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Economics and Political Theory,” Liberty in the Pines Conference (March 2013) Wed, 03/06/2013 - 02:53 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL028 | The Liberty Movement, Past And Present: Recollections With A Friend From The Beginning (Jack Criss) Mon, 03/04/2013 - 10:00 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
KOL027 | The Peter Mac Show (2009, discussing IP) Fri, 03/01/2013 - 11:00 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
KOL026 | FreeDomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux discussing Corporations and Limited Liability Thu, 02/28/2013 - 11:00 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
KOL025 | Triple-V: Voluntary Virtues Vodcast, with Michael Shanklin: Intellectual Property, Ron Paul vs RonPaul.Com, Aaron Swartz, Corporatism Wed, 02/27/2013 - 16:50 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:02
Who is a libertarian? Tue, 02/26/2013 - 17:45 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL024 | Daniels, Kinsella, Marks, Hoppe, Tucker: “Discussion, Q&A” (PFS 2012, Day 3) Mon, 02/25/2013 - 17:52 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL023 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society: Lecture 6: Applications Continued; Common Libertarian Mistakes (Fraud Etc.)” (Mises Academy, 2011) Thu, 02/21/2013 - 18:57 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL022b | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 5b: Q&A” (Mises Academy, 2011) Thu, 02/21/2013 - 17:44 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL022 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 5: Intellectual Property and Related” (Mises Academy, 2011) Thu, 02/21/2013 - 17:34 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL021 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 4: Causation, Aggression, Responsibility” (Mises Academy, 2011) Thu, 02/21/2013 - 17:06 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL020 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society: Lecture 3: Applications I: Legal Systems, Contract, Fraud” (Mises Academy, 2011) Thu, 02/21/2013 - 15:07 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
“Foreword,” to Hoppe, A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism Thu, 02/21/2013 - 14:18 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL019 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 2: Libertarian Basics: Rights and Law-Continued” (Mises Academy, 2011) Thu, 02/21/2013 - 13:36 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL018 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 1: Libertarian Basics: Rights and Law” (Mises Academy, 2011) Wed, 02/20/2013 - 20:52 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL017 | Liberty Beat Interview (Intellectual Property and cetera) Mon, 02/18/2013 - 20:55 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL016 | Ron Paul vs. Adam Vs. The Man Interview Thu, 02/14/2013 - 02:28 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL015 | “Interview by Matt Cockerill of Young Americans for Liberty” (2009) Tue, 02/12/2013 - 04:54 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL014 | “Israelis vs. Arabs: What’s the solution?”, Libertarian Politics Live, with Eric Dondero (2007) Sat, 02/09/2013 - 19:58 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL013 | “Intellectual Property and Libertarianism,” Mises University 2009 Thu, 02/07/2013 - 14:51 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL012 | “The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian Creationism,” Austrian Scholars Conference 2008 Thu, 02/07/2013 - 02:36 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL011 | “Intellectual ‘Property'” (The Lew Rockwell Show, Sept. 24, 2008) Tue, 02/05/2013 - 16:55 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL010 | Decline to State Aftershow: Q&A Sun, 02/03/2013 - 04:09 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL009 | Decline to State Interview: Intellectual Property, Anarchy Sun, 02/03/2013 - 04:07 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL008 | Against Intellectual Property (audiobook) Mon, 01/28/2013 - 01:55 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL007 | “What It Means To Be an Anarcho-Capitalist” (audio) Mon, 01/28/2013 - 01:55 Mon, 05/08/2023 - 10:32
KOL006 | “How We Come To Own Ourselves” (audio) Sun, 01/27/2013 - 23:53 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL005 | “What Libertarianism Is” (audio version) Sun, 01/27/2013 - 23:33 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL004 | Interview with Walter Block on Voluntary Slavery and Inalienability Sun, 01/27/2013 - 22:44 Tue, 01/17/2023 - 22:12
KOL003 | Prometheus Unbound Interview (intellectual property; science fiction) Fri, 01/25/2013 - 15:01 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
Launching the Kinsella on Liberty Podcast Wed, 01/23/2013 - 16:31 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL002 | “Do patents and copyrights undermine private property?: Yes,” Insight magazine (2001) Wed, 01/23/2013 - 15:01 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
KOL001 | “The (State’s) Corruption of (Private) Law” (PFS 2012) Fri, 01/11/2013 - 22:12 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
Hoppe on Treating Aggressors as Mere “Technical Problems” Sat, 01/05/2013 - 19:52 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
Constitutional rights? and Barnett and the Fourteenth Amendment Sat, 12/29/2012 - 14:41 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
Romanian translation of Against Intellectual Property Tue, 12/25/2012 - 06:01 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
The Amazing Smartphone and Devices It Has Replaced Wed, 12/05/2012 - 20:44 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
Enforceability of Browsewrap vs. Clickwrap Tue, 11/27/2012 - 19:53 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42
Louisiana Civil Law Dictionary Review Tue, 11/13/2012 - 17:36 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:42