Penny for your thoughts items

ID Label Imported GUID URL
290374 Syrian Air Defences and the Implications of Expanding Airstrikes into… 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
290233 Battle for Kobani- Sideshow for broader war 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
289668 Kobane(i) Kurds 'thwart' ISIS- Deja Vu! The war expands 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
288450 An explosion, bombing or fire at Parchin, Iran. Was Israel involved? 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
288271 Numerous Flaws found in Ukraine's probe of Maidan massacre 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
287967 One MH-17 Passenger Wearing Oxygen Mask- Why?- Updated! 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
287222 US carries out 90 percent of attacks on ISIS- Turkey not complying and… 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
286394 KaBoom & ChaChing! Wall St. Cheers as Military Industrial Profits explode 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
285805 Suicide blast hits Grozny, predominately Chechen, Southern Russia- 5 dead 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
285788 Turkey and Russia: Geostrategy, Trade and the Big Picture 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
285763 Kurds/Turkey collude and ISIS releases kidnapped Kurdish children? 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
284891 Yet, another ISIS beheading- just in time for the weekend media spin 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
284859 "The information war for Ukraine" Satirical German program "Die Anstalt" … 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
284289 Turkey, at the forefront, allowing the US and Israel to lead from behind 10 years 2 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
283563 "More of us than them and we could drown them in our urine" 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
283116 White House- Kill Syrian/Iraqi Civilians- Exemption for airstrikes 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
283089 Hong Kong Protests: Water, food, masks & medical supplies materialize 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
281963 Stefan Verstappen Interview – “Defense Against the Psychopath 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
282857 Along with Turkish tanks come Troops (and others) How about a false flag… 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
282760 Abuse of words............... 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
282184 35 (or more) Turkish tanks lineup for their move into Syria 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
281947 Nora Gedgaudas- IQ, Fat and Good Food- Interview 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
281357 Ukraine; Backs off on EU brokered Gas deal & US Counterinsurgency ops… 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
281325 US Considers a no fly zone to 'protect civilians' from SAA in North… 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
281143 Air Force Missions over “hostile” Syria require this newest jet 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
280688 East Mediterranean Gas: what kind of a game-changer? 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
280207 Remember " War against Iraq, Syria & Iran? " ISIS wants Saudi Arabia? 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
279468 The Kurds: Israel's not so improbable ally 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
279285 US defends inexcusable airstrikes in letter to UN- no concern for climate… 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
279050 David Cameron to recall Parliament- strikes in Iraq? Or mostly Syria 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
278209 Elite approved 'climate change' protests vs all other non-elite approved… 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
278652 US/Israel & GCC nations strike Syria- Khorasan and Updates 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
276332 A Monroe Doctrine for NATO 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
277301 "Boots on the ground" pour into Syria- PKK appeals for Kurds to fight with… 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
276987 A Mole Inside Assad's Embassy Aided Syrian Rebel? Problematic tale 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
276713 Moving the goal post- Attacking ISIS. Attacking Syria- US training ISIS! 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
276293 Gal on motorbike targets trash tossers 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
275468 AT LEAST 50 children (updated) die in Syria after receiving measles vaccine 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
275503 Syria: Israel Helping "rebels" in Golan-prep for war expansion 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
274993 Israeli envoy opens "hot-line" with 'anti-semite' Dimitry Yarosh 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
275008 AGGRESSOR Obama vows strikes on Syrian Air DEFENCES 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
274754 ISIS "beheading" video? DIY 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
274435 Syrian Army destroys ISIS-controlled bridge 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
274174 Ukraine:Trident/NATO games. NATO arms. NATO military dictatorship planned? 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
273486 "Beheading" video- ISIS beheads UK "hostage" David Haines 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
273464 Obama Buggers Europe: Sanctions Deepen the Recession 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
273403 Ukrainians call for a Separate State 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
272036 AGW? Tell that to Calgarians- Two summer snowfalls- Global cooling 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
272438 Syria: Air defence back door ? Reinforcing 9/11 & much, much more. 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…
272439 Redrawing the Map of the Russian Federation: Partitioning Russia 10 years 3 months ago,1999:blog-445… http://pennyforyourthoughts2…

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
Syrian Air Defences and the Implications of Expanding Airstrikes into Syria Tue, 10/14/2014 - 16:31 Tue, 10/14/2014 - 16:58
Battle for Kobani- Sideshow for broader war Tue, 10/14/2014 - 14:53 Tue, 10/14/2014 - 14:58
Kobane(i) Kurds 'thwart' ISIS- Deja Vu! The war expands Mon, 10/13/2014 - 17:05 Mon, 10/13/2014 - 20:36
An explosion, bombing or fire at Parchin, Iran. Was Israel involved? Fri, 10/10/2014 - 19:28 Fri, 10/10/2014 - 19:56
Numerous Flaws found in Ukraine's probe of Maidan massacre Fri, 10/10/2014 - 15:40 Fri, 10/10/2014 - 15:56
One MH-17 Passenger Wearing Oxygen Mask- Why?- Updated! Thu, 10/09/2014 - 23:13 Fri, 10/10/2014 - 13:26
US carries out 90 percent of attacks on ISIS- Turkey not complying and much more Wed, 10/08/2014 - 16:36 Wed, 10/08/2014 - 20:48
KaBoom & ChaChing! Wall St. Cheers as Military Industrial Profits explode Tue, 10/07/2014 - 15:18 Tue, 10/07/2014 - 15:24
Suicide blast hits Grozny, predominately Chechen, Southern Russia- 5 dead Mon, 10/06/2014 - 15:18 Mon, 10/06/2014 - 15:42
Turkey and Russia: Geostrategy, Trade and the Big Picture Mon, 10/06/2014 - 14:48 Mon, 10/06/2014 - 15:12
Kurds/Turkey collude and ISIS releases kidnapped Kurdish children? Mon, 10/06/2014 - 14:06 Mon, 10/06/2014 - 14:10
Yet, another ISIS beheading- just in time for the weekend media spin Fri, 10/03/2014 - 23:42 Sat, 10/04/2014 - 14:04
"The information war for Ukraine" Satirical German program "Die Anstalt" (Eng Subs) Fri, 10/03/2014 - 22:18 Fri, 10/03/2014 - 22:50
Turkey, at the forefront, allowing the US and Israel to lead from behind Fri, 10/03/2014 - 00:32 Fri, 10/03/2014 - 12:48
"More of us than them and we could drown them in our urine" Wed, 10/01/2014 - 18:54 Wed, 10/01/2014 - 21:58
White House- Kill Syrian/Iraqi Civilians- Exemption for airstrikes Wed, 10/01/2014 - 00:44 Wed, 10/01/2014 - 18:52
Hong Kong Protests: Water, food, masks & medical supplies materialize Tue, 09/30/2014 - 23:48 Wed, 10/01/2014 - 00:02
Along with Turkish tanks come Troops (and others) How about a false flag to kick off the no fly zone? Tue, 09/30/2014 - 18:21 Tue, 09/30/2014 - 18:32
Abuse of words............... Tue, 09/30/2014 - 17:18 Tue, 09/30/2014 - 17:28
35 (or more) Turkish tanks lineup for their move into Syria Mon, 09/29/2014 - 18:58 Tue, 09/30/2014 - 12:58
Stefan Verstappen Interview – “Defense Against the Psychopath Mon, 09/29/2014 - 15:16 Tue, 09/30/2014 - 23:02
Nora Gedgaudas- IQ, Fat and Good Food- Interview Mon, 09/29/2014 - 15:03 Mon, 09/29/2014 - 15:06
Ukraine; Backs off on EU brokered Gas deal & US Counterinsurgency ops deployed Sun, 09/28/2014 - 00:17 Sun, 09/28/2014 - 00:40
US Considers a no fly zone to 'protect civilians' from SAA in North/Eastern Syria Sat, 09/27/2014 - 22:03 Sat, 09/27/2014 - 22:10
Air Force Missions over “hostile” Syria require this newest jet Sat, 09/27/2014 - 15:47 Sat, 09/27/2014 - 18:06
East Mediterranean Gas: what kind of a game-changer? Fri, 09/26/2014 - 17:01 Fri, 09/26/2014 - 19:14
Remember " War against Iraq, Syria & Iran? " ISIS wants Saudi Arabia? Thu, 09/25/2014 - 19:25 Thu, 09/25/2014 - 21:28
The Kurds: Israel's not so improbable ally Wed, 09/24/2014 - 16:58 Wed, 09/24/2014 - 22:42
US defends inexcusable airstrikes in letter to UN- no concern for climate change? Wed, 09/24/2014 - 14:12 Wed, 09/24/2014 - 14:30
David Cameron to recall Parliament- strikes in Iraq? Or mostly Syria Wed, 09/24/2014 - 00:04 Wed, 09/24/2014 - 00:44
US/Israel & GCC nations strike Syria- Khorasan and Updates Tue, 09/23/2014 - 14:03 Tue, 09/23/2014 - 17:42
Elite approved 'climate change' protests vs all other non-elite approved protests Mon, 09/22/2014 - 19:27 Tue, 09/23/2014 - 17:42
"Boots on the ground" pour into Syria- PKK appeals for Kurds to fight with ISIS in Syria Sat, 09/20/2014 - 19:27 Sat, 09/20/2014 - 19:36
A Mole Inside Assad's Embassy Aided Syrian Rebel? Problematic tale Sat, 09/20/2014 - 02:03 Sat, 09/20/2014 - 14:06
Moving the goal post- Attacking ISIS. Attacking Syria- US training ISIS! Fri, 09/19/2014 - 16:34 Fri, 09/19/2014 - 17:44
A Monroe Doctrine for NATO Thu, 09/18/2014 - 23:07 Tue, 09/23/2014 - 16:42
Gal on motorbike targets trash tossers Thu, 09/18/2014 - 22:05 Thu, 09/18/2014 - 22:06
Syria: Israel Helping "rebels" in Golan-prep for war expansion Wed, 09/17/2014 - 16:34 Wed, 09/17/2014 - 19:42
AT LEAST 50 children (updated) die in Syria after receiving measles vaccine Wed, 09/17/2014 - 15:53 Wed, 09/17/2014 - 23:16
AGGRESSOR Obama vows strikes on Syrian Air DEFENCES Tue, 09/16/2014 - 20:03 Tue, 09/16/2014 - 23:56
Israeli envoy opens "hot-line" with 'anti-semite' Dimitry Yarosh Tue, 09/16/2014 - 19:49 Wed, 09/17/2014 - 14:38
ISIS "beheading" video? DIY Tue, 09/16/2014 - 14:31 Tue, 09/16/2014 - 14:50
Syrian Army destroys ISIS-controlled bridge Mon, 09/15/2014 - 23:35 Tue, 09/16/2014 - 00:12
Ukraine:Trident/NATO games. NATO arms. NATO military dictatorship planned? Mon, 09/15/2014 - 16:35 Mon, 09/15/2014 - 18:08
"Beheading" video- ISIS beheads UK "hostage" David Haines Sun, 09/14/2014 - 01:42 Sun, 09/14/2014 - 22:00
Obama Buggers Europe: Sanctions Deepen the Recession Sun, 09/14/2014 - 00:51 Sun, 09/14/2014 - 01:16
Ukrainians call for a Separate State Sat, 09/13/2014 - 22:37 Sat, 09/13/2014 - 23:44
Syria: Air defence back door ? Reinforcing 9/11 & much, much more. Fri, 09/12/2014 - 00:45 Fri, 09/12/2014 - 01:02
Redrawing the Map of the Russian Federation: Partitioning Russia Fri, 09/12/2014 - 00:41 Fri, 09/12/2014 - 01:02
Gnostic Media presents “9/11 & Cyclical, Fear-Based Mind Control in the Media” Thu, 09/11/2014 - 19:31 Thu, 09/11/2014 - 20:02