Down With Tyranny

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
Sunday Classics preview 2: In which we hear more of tomorrow's featured work Sun, 12/08/2013 - 03:00 Sun, 12/08/2013 - 22:42
Matt Moore Isn't Running Against Don Young In Alaska Just For The Sake Of Running Sat, 12/07/2013 - 23:00 Sat, 12/07/2013 - 23:22
Which ConservaDem will represent Obama’s birthplace? And does it even matter? Sat, 12/07/2013 - 19:00 Sat, 12/07/2013 - 22:52
Right Wing Revolution Eating Its Children-- And Parents… GOP Needs A Time Out Sat, 12/07/2013 - 15:00 Sat, 12/07/2013 - 15:07
Sunday Classics preview 1: Feel free to identify the music -- and, if you can, identify the conductor! Sat, 12/07/2013 - 06:00 Sun, 12/08/2013 - 22:42
Blu-ray Watch: Pick a James Bond film, any James Bond film Sat, 12/07/2013 - 03:00 Sat, 12/07/2013 - 03:47
Who Were The Craziest Republicans In 2013-- Lots Of Texans, Of Course, Thought None In The Top 10 Fri, 12/06/2013 - 23:00 Fri, 12/06/2013 - 23:02
Is Equality Of Opportunity A Salient Campaign Issue? You Bet It Is… At Least In California's Inland Empire Fri, 12/06/2013 - 19:00 Fri, 12/06/2013 - 19:22
Irony: NRCC Backing Gay Candidates While Steve Israel's DCCC Gives A Big Push To A Virulent Homophobe Fri, 12/06/2013 - 15:00 Fri, 12/06/2013 - 15:07
Putting Together A Progressive Election Team Fri, 12/06/2013 - 06:00 Fri, 12/06/2013 - 06:12
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) Fri, 12/06/2013 - 03:00 Fri, 12/06/2013 - 09:47
Guest Post From John Bohlinger, Montana's Progressive Candidate For The Senate-- And An Ex-Republican Thu, 12/05/2013 - 23:00 Thu, 12/05/2013 - 23:12
Duncan Hunter's Alcoholic Kid Says He Wants To Nuke Iran-- And He's A Congressman From Near San Diego! Thu, 12/05/2013 - 19:00 Thu, 12/05/2013 - 19:32
We Need More Women In Congress-- But Good Ones, Not Women Who Are Even Worse Than Men Thu, 12/05/2013 - 15:00 Thu, 12/05/2013 - 15:17
CruzCare-- Another GOP Weapon To Keep Working Families From Getting Health Insurance Thu, 12/05/2013 - 06:00 Thu, 12/05/2013 - 06:02
Next, outgoing NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly will need a squad of NYPD dancing harem girls and a string of NYPD polo ponies for his security Thu, 12/05/2013 - 03:00 Thu, 12/05/2013 - 03:22
The Case For Raising The Minimum Wage Wed, 12/04/2013 - 23:00 Thu, 12/05/2013 - 16:52
Keith Ellison: Policy Of Truth Wed, 12/04/2013 - 19:00 Wed, 12/04/2013 - 19:22
Free Passes! Free Passes! Getcha Free Passes To An Easy Reelection! Wed, 12/04/2013 - 15:00 Wed, 12/04/2013 - 15:12
Forget Democrats And Republicans For A Minute-- Do You Vote For Warmongers? Wed, 12/04/2013 - 06:00 Wed, 12/04/2013 - 07:27
James Surowiecki suggests that Obamacare is already part of a process that will help control health-care costs Wed, 12/04/2013 - 03:00 Wed, 12/04/2013 - 03:07
Yesterday Steve Israel Handed Out Free Reelection Passes In Illinois-- Peter Roskam Got Very Lucky Tue, 12/03/2013 - 23:00 Wed, 12/04/2013 - 00:02
Republican Civil War Roils Iowa House Race-- Bad News For Boehner-Buddy Tom Latham Tue, 12/03/2013 - 19:00 Tue, 12/03/2013 - 19:17
Ukraine's Tragic Mess-- And Iceland's Move Against Bankster-Imposed Austerity Tue, 12/03/2013 - 15:00 Tue, 12/03/2013 - 15:07
Battle For The Soul Of The Democratic Party Tue, 12/03/2013 - 06:00 Tue, 12/03/2013 - 15:42
What? WaPo editorial-page dunce Fred Hiatt writing about "unjust economics"? (Short answer: Whadderyou, nuts?) Tue, 12/03/2013 - 03:00 Tue, 12/03/2013 - 03:12
What Turns A Normal Baby Into A Right Wing Sociopath? Mon, 12/02/2013 - 23:00 Mon, 12/02/2013 - 23:12
Boehner's Unpopular Agenda Includes Blocking Any Congressional Curbs On Domestic Spying Mon, 12/02/2013 - 19:00 Mon, 12/02/2013 - 19:02
Last Blue America Contest Of 2013-- And It's All About Minnesota… And Depeche Mode Mon, 12/02/2013 - 15:00 Mon, 12/02/2013 - 15:17
For Normal People It Was A Holiday But For The DCCC It Was Another Opportunity To Prey On Suckers With Phony "Deadlines" Mon, 12/02/2013 - 06:00 Mon, 12/02/2013 - 06:42
We still get some of our most on-the-mark news coverage from our official fake-news media Mon, 12/02/2013 - 03:00 Mon, 12/02/2013 - 03:32
Bob Dylan Was Right About The Croats-- Most Are Still Fascists To The Core Sun, 12/01/2013 - 23:00 Sun, 12/01/2013 - 23:12
Sunday Classics: In Gilbert and Sullivan's hands, a madrigal can be buoyant, or sad, or sad and funny Sun, 12/01/2013 - 19:00 Tue, 12/03/2013 - 03:12
Who Is Israel Backing For President… Of The United States? Sun, 12/01/2013 - 15:00 Sun, 12/01/2013 - 15:27
While Italy's Economy Was Going Down The Toilet, Guess What Silvio Berlusconi Was Doing Sun, 12/01/2013 - 06:00 Sun, 12/01/2013 - 06:12
Resurrected from oblivion: a march for General Patton's Third Army Sun, 12/01/2013 - 03:00 Sun, 12/01/2013 - 03:07
If Henry Waxman Doesn't Stay On His Toes, Marianne Williamson Will Beat Him Next Year Sat, 11/30/2013 - 23:00 Sat, 11/30/2013 - 23:22
Under House Republicans The War On Poverty Has Morphed Into A War On The Poor Sat, 11/30/2013 - 19:00 Sat, 11/30/2013 - 19:22
Do Public Officials Ever Lie? Better Question: Do They Ever Tell The Truth? Sat, 11/30/2013 - 15:00 Sat, 11/30/2013 - 17:17
A holiday F.U. to NYC Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio from his friends in City Hall and especially at 1 Police Plaza Sat, 11/30/2013 - 03:00 Sat, 11/30/2013 - 09:07
Sunday Classics preview: "Sing a merry madrigal!" Sat, 11/30/2013 - 03:00 Sat, 11/30/2013 - 08:32
Even In Oklahoma They Can't Always Escape Reality-- The GOP War Against Contraception (And Sex) Fri, 11/29/2013 - 23:00 Fri, 11/29/2013 - 23:32
Stoned? Fri, 11/29/2013 - 19:00 Fri, 11/29/2013 - 19:22
Right Wing Automaton Mike Huckabee And Benghazi! Fri, 11/29/2013 - 15:00 Fri, 11/29/2013 - 15:22
Austerity Agenda In Latvia Leads To A Tragic Supermarket Collapse, Followed By The Collapse Of The Right-Wing Government Of Krugman Nemesis Valdis Dombrovskis Fri, 11/29/2013 - 06:00 Fri, 11/29/2013 - 06:27
TV Watch (among other things): It's been a quiet Thanksgiving Day here in the Big Apple Fri, 11/29/2013 - 03:00 Fri, 11/29/2013 - 03:27
Unlike An Israel-Sensitive Congress, Normal Americans Overwhelming Favor A Negotiated Peace With Iran Thu, 11/28/2013 - 23:00 Thu, 11/28/2013 - 23:07
What Will Hurt Democratic Chances More In 2014, A GOP Wave Or Steve Israel's Incompetence? Thu, 11/28/2013 - 19:00 Thu, 11/28/2013 - 19:32
Happy Thanksgiving, America Thu, 11/28/2013 - 15:00 Thu, 11/28/2013 - 16:57
No, It's Not Likely Jack Kingston (R-GA) Will Switch Parties Thu, 11/28/2013 - 06:00 Thu, 11/28/2013 - 06:02