Down With Tyranny

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
Satan's Key Operative In The Vatican Loses A Major Post-- Bye Bye Burke? Tue, 12/17/2013 - 19:00 Tue, 12/17/2013 - 19:07
Do Cruz, Rubio, Paul And Senate Right-Wingers Have what It Takes To Crash The Budget Deal Today? Tue, 12/17/2013 - 15:00 Tue, 12/17/2013 - 20:07
Will Utah Revert To Polygamy Again? Tue, 12/17/2013 - 06:00 Tue, 12/17/2013 - 06:02
Our sources for this story have been granted anonymity on account of they don't wanna be identified Tue, 12/17/2013 - 03:00 Tue, 12/17/2013 - 03:32
Anyone Think The Supreme Court Will Revisit A Recent Ruling And Admit They Got It All Wrong? Mon, 12/16/2013 - 23:00 Mon, 12/16/2013 - 23:17
How Many Senate Seats With The Republican Civil War Cost The GOP Next Year? Mon, 12/16/2013 - 19:00 Mon, 12/16/2013 - 21:17
Is Marijuana Legalization Now Part Of The Political Mainstream? Mon, 12/16/2013 - 15:00 Mon, 12/16/2013 - 15:27
Steve Israel And Paul Ryan-- Working Together To Screw Military Veterans Mon, 12/16/2013 - 06:00 Mon, 12/16/2013 - 16:27
Seriously now, is there any reason why Senator McCranky should be taken seriously about military matters -- or anything else? Mon, 12/16/2013 - 03:00 Mon, 12/16/2013 - 03:57
Did Christie's Inability To Control Himself Just Queer His Chances To Run For President? Bridgegate Sun, 12/15/2013 - 23:00 Sun, 12/15/2013 - 23:32
Sunday Classics: Three duets from three Verdi operas Sun, 12/15/2013 - 19:00 Mon, 12/16/2013 - 00:32
Texas Is Afflicted By Affluenza Sun, 12/15/2013 - 15:00 Sun, 12/15/2013 - 15:17
Third Way Strikes Back-- And Strikes Out Sun, 12/15/2013 - 06:00 Sun, 12/15/2013 - 06:22
With the mercy of the Lord, we survive yet another SantaCon Sun, 12/15/2013 - 03:00 Sun, 12/15/2013 - 03:47
So What Do Santa Clarita Republicans Think Of Buck McKeon's Hand-picked Successor? Sat, 12/14/2013 - 23:00 Sun, 12/15/2013 - 22:32
Republican War Against Women Leads To More Dysfunction In The U.S. Senate Sat, 12/14/2013 - 19:00 Sat, 12/14/2013 - 22:27
#2 Most Powerful Man In North Korea Was Executed. Dick Cheney… Still Off The Table Sat, 12/14/2013 - 15:00 Sat, 12/14/2013 - 15:07
Sunday Classics preview: Three acts, three duets Sat, 12/14/2013 - 06:00 Mon, 12/16/2013 - 00:02
"Cause for hope" in India: "Gay rights . . . have finally become a political issue. The rest is only a matter of time" (Shivam Vij) Sat, 12/14/2013 - 03:00 Sat, 12/14/2013 - 03:17
3 Wall Street-Owned New Dems Face Rematches Fri, 12/13/2013 - 23:00 Sun, 12/15/2013 - 02:07
The Beginning Of The End Of The Guantánamo Gulag? Fri, 12/13/2013 - 19:00 Fri, 12/13/2013 - 19:22
If You Think You're Bored Of The Civil War In The Republican Party Stories Now, Just Wait… They've Barely Started Fri, 12/13/2013 - 15:00 Fri, 12/13/2013 - 19:52
Presaging A Take Over In India By The Right-Wing BJP, The Supreme Court Reinstates A Sick 1861 Colonial Law Against Gay Sex Fri, 12/13/2013 - 06:00 Fri, 12/13/2013 - 06:27
John Hodgman, from the un-chic part of Brooklyn's Park Slope, wishes his Manhattan-bound neighbors the de Blasios well Fri, 12/13/2013 - 03:00 Fri, 12/13/2013 - 03:22
Only 32 Democrats Had The Guts To Vote No On The Ryan-Murray Budget Fri, 12/13/2013 - 01:44 Fri, 12/13/2013 - 19:52
Guest Post By Ed Pawlowski, Candidate To Replace Tom Corbett As Governor Of Pennsylvania Thu, 12/12/2013 - 23:00 Thu, 12/12/2013 - 23:07
New DiCaprio Wall Street Movie Whitewashes Republican Corruption Out Of The Film Thu, 12/12/2013 - 19:00 Thu, 12/12/2013 - 19:27
Volcker Rule: Each Ending Is A New Beginning For Banksters And Their Lobbyists Thu, 12/12/2013 - 15:00 Thu, 12/12/2013 - 15:17
To sleep not, perchance to view a slide show . . . Thu, 12/12/2013 - 06:00 Thu, 12/12/2013 - 08:02
I'd Vote No, What About You? Thu, 12/12/2013 - 03:00 Thu, 12/12/2013 - 03:12
David Alvarez Can Take San Diego For Good Wed, 12/11/2013 - 23:00 Wed, 12/11/2013 - 23:22
Santa Clarita Hypocrite Buck McKeon Wants To Take An Axe To Military Pensions Wed, 12/11/2013 - 19:00 Wed, 12/11/2013 - 19:42
Real Democrats Stand Strong For Social Security-- The Others Are Little More Than Republicans In Disguise Wed, 12/11/2013 - 15:00 Wed, 12/11/2013 - 19:42
Weak, Confused Democrats Are Useless-- Meet Ann Kuster Wed, 12/11/2013 - 06:00 Wed, 12/11/2013 - 06:17
Does Chris Cillizza have any idea what makes a good campaign a good one or a bad campaign a bad one? Wed, 12/11/2013 - 03:00 Thu, 12/12/2013 - 02:02
Protecting Social Security Does Not Mean Defending The Status Quo-- Guest Post From Shenna Bellows (D-ME) Tue, 12/10/2013 - 23:00 Tue, 12/10/2013 - 23:17
Contrast Real Democratic Candidates With Steve Israel's DCCC Mystery Meat Shills Tue, 12/10/2013 - 19:00 Tue, 12/10/2013 - 19:07
Thailand-- Eroding The Legitimacy Of Democracy… Corruption vs Social Media Tue, 12/10/2013 - 15:00 Tue, 12/10/2013 - 15:02
GOP Guide: How to Talk to Women-- Go Out There And Get Those Dame Votes Tue, 12/10/2013 - 13:37 Tue, 12/10/2013 - 14:02
I Bet The New York Times Article Made Rocket Tube Crash Yesterday Tue, 12/10/2013 - 06:00 Tue, 12/10/2013 - 06:12
A new hat for the pope? (And maybe a new ring to toss it in?) Tue, 12/10/2013 - 03:00 Wed, 12/11/2013 - 00:22
GOP Governor Brian Sandoval's Big Gamble Is Paying Off-- For Nevada's Working Families Mon, 12/09/2013 - 23:00 Mon, 12/09/2013 - 23:12
Stanley Chang: "I Would Be Honored To Join The Congressional Progressive Caucus"-- A Guest Post Mon, 12/09/2013 - 19:00 Mon, 12/09/2013 - 19:02
Congress Sells Out American Investors To Their Campaign Contributors On Wall Street… Again Mon, 12/09/2013 - 15:00 Mon, 12/09/2013 - 15:22
If Steve Israel Had Had My Job, Depeche Mode Would Have Never Broken In The U.S. Mon, 12/09/2013 - 06:00 Mon, 12/09/2013 - 06:12
Rand Paul-- This Year's Avatar Of Compassionate Conservatism And Tough Love Mon, 12/09/2013 - 03:00 Mon, 12/09/2013 - 03:32
Sunday Classics: Bruckner's Fourth Symphony -- four stories for four movements Sun, 12/08/2013 - 23:00 Sun, 12/08/2013 - 23:12
Doesn't Compton Have Enough Problems Without Criminals Infiltrating The Political System? Sun, 12/08/2013 - 19:00 Sun, 12/08/2013 - 19:12
Maybe Santa Clarita Republicans Need To Take A Good Look At What's Happening With Their Money In Washington-- A Ho Is A Ho Is A Ho Sun, 12/08/2013 - 15:00 Sun, 12/08/2013 - 20:42
How Many Republicans In Congress Does Oily Joe Barton Speak For When He Says He Wants To Abolish The Minimum Wage? Sun, 12/08/2013 - 06:00 Sun, 12/08/2013 - 06:32