Down With Tyranny

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
"She hears the voices no one else hears" Wed, 01/28/2015 - 16:00 Wed, 01/28/2015 - 18:38
Notes on the blizzard that wasn't -- at least not right where we are Wed, 01/28/2015 - 04:00 Wed, 01/28/2015 - 04:06
Legacy business legislation in San Francisco is necessary to survival of humanity Wed, 01/28/2015 - 00:00 Wed, 01/28/2015 - 06:06
While pondering the legal mess surrounding NYS Assembly Speaker "Smelly Shelly" Silver, Jeffrey Toobin offers us a "war story" from yesteryear (with update: Bye-bye, Shelly) Tue, 01/27/2015 - 20:00 Wed, 01/28/2015 - 19:38
What's Going On In Greece? Tue, 01/27/2015 - 16:00 Tue, 01/27/2015 - 20:00
Stormy weather Tue, 01/27/2015 - 04:00 Tue, 01/27/2015 - 04:00
As Ukraine heats up again, and the picture in the Middle East enmurkifies, we have to worry, how threatened does Putin feel? Tue, 01/27/2015 - 00:00 Tue, 01/27/2015 - 00:26
Who exactly are Republicans trying to impress with their sudden discovery of income inequality? Mon, 01/26/2015 - 20:00 Mon, 01/26/2015 - 20:24
Football Watch update: Coach Bill the Science Guy seems to be stronger on football than on science Mon, 01/26/2015 - 16:00 Mon, 01/26/2015 - 20:24
"White House gives Fox accurate place cards at SOTU lunch" (HuffPost's Calvino Partigiani) Mon, 01/26/2015 - 06:00 Mon, 01/26/2015 - 06:18
Joe Franklin (1926-2015) Mon, 01/26/2015 - 03:00 Mon, 01/26/2015 - 10:18
Sunday Classics special edition: Getting even more "Carried Away" Sun, 01/25/2015 - 23:00 Sun, 01/25/2015 - 23:14
Doonesbury Watch: This couple doesn't have a future, do they? (Well, yes and no) Sun, 01/25/2015 - 19:00 Sun, 01/25/2015 - 19:12
It takes a lot to dislodge Howie from his blogging chair -- a blast from the past Sun, 01/25/2015 - 15:00 Sun, 01/25/2015 - 20:12
Movie Watch: A few quick words about "Boyhood," a film unlike anything you've likely seen -- or likely ever will Sun, 01/25/2015 - 06:00 Mon, 01/26/2015 - 21:24
Culture Watch: "Women's Grammar Worse Than Men's in Online Dating, Survey Says" Sun, 01/25/2015 - 03:00 Sun, 01/25/2015 - 03:10
Ms. Sandy Rios: Republican Kook of the Day Sat, 01/24/2015 - 23:00 Sun, 01/25/2015 - 07:40
What do "Smelly Shelly" Silver and not-quite-humbled Russian ex-oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky have in common? (continued) Sat, 01/24/2015 - 19:00 Sat, 01/24/2015 - 19:38
"Yes, Virginia, all that money printing did show up as inflation" Sat, 01/24/2015 - 15:00 Sat, 01/24/2015 - 15:08
What do "Smelly Shelly" Silver and not-quite-humbled Russian ex-oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky have in common? Sat, 01/24/2015 - 06:00 Sat, 01/24/2015 - 06:06
TV Watch: "This show has been a crazy ride for us" ("Better Call Saul" showrunners Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould) Sat, 01/24/2015 - 03:00 Sat, 01/24/2015 - 03:06
If Bibi Netanyahu speaks to Congress, it should be (a) at a better time and (b) by presidential invite Fri, 01/23/2015 - 23:00 Fri, 01/23/2015 - 23:02
Say it ain't so, Shelly Silver -- and see whether anybody believes you Fri, 01/23/2015 - 19:00 Sat, 01/24/2015 - 18:38
The Six Billionaire-Engineered "Hostage Crises" of 2015 — A Handy List Fri, 01/23/2015 - 15:00 Fri, 01/23/2015 - 20:02
From the DWT Mailbag: We answer reader questions like "Where's Howie?" Fri, 01/23/2015 - 06:00 Sat, 01/24/2015 - 03:36
Culture Watch: Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places Fri, 01/23/2015 - 03:00 Sat, 01/24/2015 - 20:38
And speaking of "balanced" coverage in the "liberal media," the NYT sticks up for Republicans in 2015 and 1995 Thu, 01/22/2015 - 23:00 Thu, 01/22/2015 - 23:22
With "balance" like this, is it any wonder that right-wingers hold NPR in special scorn among the vast hordes of the liberal media? Thu, 01/22/2015 - 19:00 Thu, 01/22/2015 - 21:52
The State of the Union, Hillary Clinton & Obama's "Piketty Moment" Thu, 01/22/2015 - 15:00 Thu, 01/22/2015 - 19:20
Football Watch: "Cheating" is such a harsh word, but strange things just seem to happen around New England Pats' coach Bill Belichick Thu, 01/22/2015 - 06:00 Sat, 01/24/2015 - 03:36
"Why is it not OK to kill people in the name of a religion, but it is OK to kill people in the name of a nation?" (Ian Welsh) Thu, 01/22/2015 - 03:00 Thu, 01/22/2015 - 03:14
And speaking of Governor Booby: Having established that he's a boob, is he trying now to show that he's thuggier than Fox Noise? Wed, 01/21/2015 - 23:00 Wed, 01/21/2015 - 23:12
Speaking of the State of the Union "Republican response" . . . Wed, 01/21/2015 - 19:00 Wed, 01/21/2015 - 21:10
No, of course I didn't watch the SOTU, but here's how I prepared for it -- and for the political-crackpot times ahead Wed, 01/21/2015 - 15:00 Wed, 01/21/2015 - 15:10
Clampdown Wed, 01/21/2015 - 06:00 Wed, 01/21/2015 - 06:08
"Justice Ginsburg explains everything you need to know about religious liberty in two sentences" (Ian Millhiser) Wed, 01/21/2015 - 03:00 Wed, 01/21/2015 - 03:08
Tales Of The (Gentrification) City: Tom Heyman And Deirdre White Tue, 01/20/2015 - 23:00 Tue, 01/20/2015 - 23:04
Progressives And The Democratic Party-- A Match Made In Hell? Tue, 01/20/2015 - 19:00 Tue, 01/20/2015 - 19:04
The Return Of Blue Dog Chris Carney? Tue, 01/20/2015 - 15:00 Sun, 01/25/2015 - 05:10
Food Watch: Next up from the Cronut™ man: a six-course dessert tasting menu paired with cocktails Tue, 01/20/2015 - 06:00 Tue, 01/20/2015 - 21:34
America's First Very Gay President? Tue, 01/20/2015 - 03:00 Tue, 01/20/2015 - 03:26
Illinois New Dem Bill Foster Doesn't Beat His Wife-- So What Kind of Senator Would He Be? Mon, 01/19/2015 - 23:00 Tue, 01/20/2015 - 00:20
Georgia Crackpot Barry Loudermilk Wants To Be The New Allen West Mon, 01/19/2015 - 19:00 Mon, 01/19/2015 - 19:20
Selma Songs And More Music for MLK Today Mon, 01/19/2015 - 15:00 Tue, 01/20/2015 - 00:20
Why Do So Many Northern Californians Win Statewide Races Despite The Population Advantage of Southern California? Mon, 01/19/2015 - 06:00 Mon, 01/19/2015 - 06:20
Moving week at the office is traumatic for everyone, including "New Yorker" cartoon editor Bob Mankoff Mon, 01/19/2015 - 03:00 Mon, 01/19/2015 - 03:50
State of Ed Lee's San Francisco is Deplorable... And It Looks Like He's Running Unopposed For Reelection Sun, 01/18/2015 - 23:00 Mon, 01/19/2015 - 05:20
State Of The Union Preview: Making The Tax Code Fairer-- Much Fairer-- For Working Families Sun, 01/18/2015 - 19:00 Sun, 01/18/2015 - 19:16
Disappointed Gwen Graham Supporters Have No One To Blame But Themselves Sun, 01/18/2015 - 15:00 Sun, 01/18/2015 - 15:46
Ready For Cuba? Is Cuba Ready For You? Sun, 01/18/2015 - 06:00 Sun, 01/18/2015 - 06:14