Down With Tyranny items

ID Label Imported GUID URL
146656 Is Obama Going To Continue Making The Federal Judiciary Overly Friendly To… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
146529 Sunday Classics preview: Here's the key -- or is it? 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
146103 Nuttier than Steve Stockman? We bring you a real Texan, Dwayne Stovall 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
146447 The Restore Honor to Service Members Act Languishes Under Republican Party… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
146235 Not All Party Switchers Are Opportunists-- Meet Jason Thigpen (NC-03) 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
146364 Primary In Oklahoma City 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
146089 Comcast's CEO must just be kidding when he calls swallowing up Time Warner… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
146034 Will The Tea Party Adopt The "A Million Dollars/A Million Votes" Plan As… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
145930 Ted Cruz Has Made Himself The Scourge Of Senate Republicans-- And They Don… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
145778 Paul Ryan's Attack On Military Pensions Has Helped Make The GOP Even More… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
145600 Race For Bill Young's Florida Seat Goes Into The Final Month-- Democrat… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
145559 Are all right-wingers psycho scumbags? Let's visit with Rand Paul and … 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
145502 Obama's Big Misstep With Michael Boggs 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
145390 GOP Says Obama Has To OK Environmentally Unsound Keystone XL Pipeline… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
145204 Has The GOP Cornered The Market On Political Closet Cases? Meet Illinois… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
145014 Politicians Lying To Voters? Meet Tony Strickland 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
144982 Are there qualifications for the people we send to foreign countries as… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
144916 Which Congressmembers Are The Most Dedicated To Polluting The Water We… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
144795 Mike Honda- 92%, Ro Khanna- 8% 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
144608 Can The Republican Party Shed Its Image As The Grand Party Of Old White… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
144388 Clean Debt Ceiling Passes-- Zippity Do Dah 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
144354 Why Sochi? There actually are reasons why President Putin wanted the… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143493 Blue America: The Nexus Of Where Alan Grayson, Lee Rogers And Joni… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
144292 Who Will Protect Social Security-- And Who Wants To Wreck It? 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
144177 New Jersey: "A System Where Back Room Deals, Fueled By Greed And Self… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143999 Most Americans Agree-- Time To End The Cuban Trade Embargo 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143835 Republican Civil War Isn't Just About Money… Bigotry And Racism Are Big On… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143790 George W. Bush is honored by the ADL for his support of the two-state… 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143743 Tomorrow Is Election Day In San Diego 10 years 4 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143639 Now Let's Define Morality… And Connect It To A Primary Color 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143095 Winning Back IL-13-- Meet George Gollin, Particle Physicist 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143313 Republican Coke Freak Thomas Ravenel Reinvents Himself As A BRAVO! Reality… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143286 "What’s bad for Main Street and good for Wall Street in the short term is… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143224 Will The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Continue To Dominate? 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143192 50 Years Ago Today: The Beatles 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
143005 What's More Important To You-- Being A Progressive Or Being A Democratic… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142979 Gail Collins probes into "Sunny John" Boehner's "thinking" on immigration … 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142929 Should The Post Office Offer Banking Services? 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142857 With Waxman Retiring, What Happens With One Of America's Foremost Liberal… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142744 How Vulnerable Is Steve Israel To Defeat In November? 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142635 Everything you need to know about the Sochi Olympics 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142592 Sunday Classics "extra": " 'La Traviata' at the foot of Masada" -- say… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142506 Republicans Demand "Job Creation"-- And That Means Higher Unemployment And… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142413 Next Month Mark Pryor Will Throw Away A U.S. Senate Seat On Behalf Of… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142320 Steve Israel's Anti-Choice/Anti-Gay Conservative Candidate In Ohio,… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142127 Republicans Kill Unemployment Insurance Extension Again 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142092 Hey, Scott Brown, keep your shirt on -- unless you're thinking of . . . 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
142016 Momentum Continues To Build For Pennsylvania's Liberal Lion, Daylin Leach 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
141821 Don't Worry… Franklin's List Is Never Going To Turn Into Anything Like… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…
141926 Republican North Carolina Senate Candidate Thom Tillis Caught Blatantly… 10 years 5 months ago,1999:blog-128… http://downwithtyranny.blogsp…

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
How Bad Is The Comcast Acquisition Of TimeWarner For Society? Sun, 02/16/2014 - 06:00 Sun, 02/16/2014 - 21:47
Sunday Classics preview: Here's the key -- or is it? Sun, 02/16/2014 - 03:00 Sun, 02/16/2014 - 05:07
The Restore Honor to Service Members Act Languishes Under Republican Party Obstruction Sat, 02/15/2014 - 23:00 Sat, 02/15/2014 - 23:07
Primary In Oklahoma City Sat, 02/15/2014 - 19:00 Sat, 02/15/2014 - 19:02
Not All Party Switchers Are Opportunists-- Meet Jason Thigpen (NC-03) Sat, 02/15/2014 - 15:00 Sat, 02/15/2014 - 20:02
Nuttier than Steve Stockman? We bring you a real Texan, Dwayne Stovall Sat, 02/15/2014 - 06:00 Sun, 02/16/2014 - 04:37
Comcast's CEO must just be kidding when he calls swallowing up Time Warner Cable "pro-consumer, pro-competitive, and strongly in the public interest" Sat, 02/15/2014 - 03:00 Sat, 02/15/2014 - 15:02
Will The Tea Party Adopt The "A Million Dollars/A Million Votes" Plan As Part Of Their Anti-Democracy Platform? Fri, 02/14/2014 - 23:00 Fri, 02/14/2014 - 23:02
Ted Cruz Has Made Himself The Scourge Of Senate Republicans-- And They Don't Like That Fri, 02/14/2014 - 19:00 Fri, 02/14/2014 - 19:22
Paul Ryan's Attack On Military Pensions Has Helped Make The GOP Even More Toxic Fri, 02/14/2014 - 15:00 Fri, 02/14/2014 - 15:12
Race For Bill Young's Florida Seat Goes Into The Final Month-- Democrat Alex Sink Is Winning Fri, 02/14/2014 - 06:00 Fri, 02/14/2014 - 06:17
Are all right-wingers psycho scumbags? Let's visit with Rand Paul and "Cuckoo Ken" Cuccinelli Fri, 02/14/2014 - 03:00 Fri, 02/14/2014 - 03:37
Obama's Big Misstep With Michael Boggs Thu, 02/13/2014 - 23:00 Fri, 02/14/2014 - 00:47
GOP Says Obama Has To OK Environmentally Unsound Keystone XL Pipeline Because It Will Create Jobs-- But It Won't Thu, 02/13/2014 - 19:00 Thu, 02/13/2014 - 19:27
Has The GOP Cornered The Market On Political Closet Cases? Meet Illinois Gubernatorial Aspirant Dan Rutherford Thu, 02/13/2014 - 15:00 Thu, 02/13/2014 - 15:17
Politicians Lying To Voters? Meet Tony Strickland Thu, 02/13/2014 - 06:00 Thu, 02/13/2014 - 06:17
Are there qualifications for the people we send to foreign countries as our ambassadors? Thu, 02/13/2014 - 03:00 Thu, 02/13/2014 - 03:07
Which Congressmembers Are The Most Dedicated To Polluting The Water We Drink And The Air We Breath? Wed, 02/12/2014 - 23:00 Wed, 02/12/2014 - 23:12
Mike Honda- 92%, Ro Khanna- 8% Wed, 02/12/2014 - 19:00 Wed, 02/12/2014 - 19:27
Can The Republican Party Shed Its Image As The Grand Party Of Old White Men? Does It Even Want To? Wed, 02/12/2014 - 15:00 Wed, 02/12/2014 - 15:17
Clean Debt Ceiling Passes-- Zippity Do Dah Wed, 02/12/2014 - 06:00 Wed, 02/12/2014 - 14:42
Why Sochi? There actually are reasons why President Putin wanted the Olympics there so badly Wed, 02/12/2014 - 03:00 Wed, 02/12/2014 - 03:47
Who Will Protect Social Security-- And Who Wants To Wreck It? Tue, 02/11/2014 - 23:00 Tue, 02/11/2014 - 23:02
New Jersey: "A System Where Back Room Deals, Fueled By Greed And Self Interest, Are Just The Order Of Business" Tue, 02/11/2014 - 19:00 Tue, 02/11/2014 - 19:17
Most Americans Agree-- Time To End The Cuban Trade Embargo Tue, 02/11/2014 - 15:00 Tue, 02/11/2014 - 15:27
Republican Civil War Isn't Just About Money… Bigotry And Racism Are Big On The Right As Well Tue, 02/11/2014 - 06:00 Tue, 02/11/2014 - 06:27
George W. Bush is honored by the ADL for his support of the two-state solution -- are you laughing or crying? Tue, 02/11/2014 - 03:00 Tue, 02/11/2014 - 03:12
Tomorrow Is Election Day In San Diego Mon, 02/10/2014 - 23:00 Mon, 02/10/2014 - 23:17
Now Let's Define Morality… And Connect It To A Primary Color Mon, 02/10/2014 - 19:00 Mon, 02/10/2014 - 19:02
Blue America: The Nexus Of Where Alan Grayson, Lee Rogers And Joni Mitchell Meet Mon, 02/10/2014 - 15:00 Wed, 02/12/2014 - 01:37
Republican Coke Freak Thomas Ravenel Reinvents Himself As A BRAVO! Reality TV Star Mon, 02/10/2014 - 06:00 Mon, 02/10/2014 - 06:22
"What’s bad for Main Street and good for Wall Street in the short term is bad for both in the long term" (Robert Reich) Mon, 02/10/2014 - 03:00 Mon, 02/10/2014 - 03:17
Will The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Continue To Dominate? Sun, 02/09/2014 - 23:00 Sun, 02/09/2014 - 23:02
50 Years Ago Today: The Beatles Sun, 02/09/2014 - 19:00 Sun, 02/09/2014 - 19:27
Winning Back IL-13-- Meet George Gollin, Particle Physicist Sun, 02/09/2014 - 15:00 Mon, 02/10/2014 - 13:47
What's More Important To You-- Being A Progressive Or Being A Democratic Party Person? Sun, 02/09/2014 - 06:00 Sun, 02/09/2014 - 06:07
Gail Collins probes into "Sunny John" Boehner's "thinking" on immigration -- and she has a quiz! Sun, 02/09/2014 - 03:00 Sun, 02/09/2014 - 03:37
Should The Post Office Offer Banking Services? Sat, 02/08/2014 - 23:00 Sun, 02/09/2014 - 01:12
With Waxman Retiring, What Happens With One Of America's Foremost Liberal Congressional Districts? Sat, 02/08/2014 - 19:00 Sat, 02/08/2014 - 19:57
How Vulnerable Is Steve Israel To Defeat In November? Sat, 02/08/2014 - 15:00 Sat, 02/08/2014 - 15:22
Everything you need to know about the Sochi Olympics Sat, 02/08/2014 - 06:00 Sat, 02/08/2014 - 07:27
Sunday Classics "extra": " 'La Traviata' at the foot of Masada" -- say what? Sat, 02/08/2014 - 03:00 Sat, 02/08/2014 - 07:27
Republicans Demand "Job Creation"-- And That Means Higher Unemployment And More Pain For American Families Fri, 02/07/2014 - 23:00 Fri, 02/07/2014 - 23:17
Next Month Mark Pryor Will Throw Away A U.S. Senate Seat On Behalf Of WalMart Fri, 02/07/2014 - 19:00 Fri, 02/07/2014 - 19:07
Steve Israel's Anti-Choice/Anti-Gay Conservative Candidate In Ohio, Jennifer Garrison, Will Now Face A Populist Primary Challenger Fri, 02/07/2014 - 15:00 Fri, 02/07/2014 - 15:22
Republicans Kill Unemployment Insurance Extension Again Fri, 02/07/2014 - 06:00 Fri, 02/07/2014 - 06:27
Hey, Scott Brown, keep your shirt on -- unless you're thinking of . . . Fri, 02/07/2014 - 03:00 Fri, 02/07/2014 - 03:17
Momentum Continues To Build For Pennsylvania's Liberal Lion, Daylin Leach Thu, 02/06/2014 - 23:00 Thu, 02/06/2014 - 23:22
Republican North Carolina Senate Candidate Thom Tillis Caught Blatantly Lying About The Affordable Care Act Again Thu, 02/06/2014 - 19:00 Thu, 02/06/2014 - 19:12
Don't Worry… Franklin's List Is Never Going To Turn Into Anything Like EMILY's List… It's Not In Their DNA Thu, 02/06/2014 - 15:00 Thu, 02/06/2014 - 20:42