“There is no such thing as Palestine”
• I am Palestinian. My ancestors have lived in Palestine and were called “Palestinians” for 100 generations. I still have my parents’ Palestine passports.
• Before history is completely rewritten by Zionists, research plainly shows that the land has been called “Palestine” and her inhabitants “Palestinians” since 500 BCE.
• The United Nations partitioned “original Palestine” into two states: Israel (55%) and Palestine (45%) – (U.N. Resolution 181 – 11/29/1947).
Conclusion: Palestine has existed (by that name) for over 2500 years. Although the Zionist state of Israel was illegitimately formed on 78% of the land (which was conveniently overlooked by the U.N.), the remaining 22% is internationally recognized as Palestine. There are millions of Palestinians living in the world:
• In Palestine (living in terror under illegal Israeli occupation)
• In Israel (living as 3rd class citizens)
• In neighboring Arab countries, Europe, Asia, and the Americas.
“Israel has the right to defend itself”
In theory, everyone has the right to self-defense. However, this right is forfeited when the party claiming that right is in the midst of an illegal or immoral act.
Example: If a criminal breaks into a home and lays siege upon it, the homeowner has the right to dispel the intruder – and in turn, any violence used by the criminal to repel the homeowner’s resistance can never be misconstrued as “self-defense” (although that ruse has been attempted many times by criminals in American courtrooms).
Fact: In 1967, Israel attacked the Palestinian Territories and began its military occupation. Both the attack and ensuing occupation were immediately condemned by the United Nations (U.N.S.C. Resolution 242 – 11/22/1967). Despite that and numerous subsequent resolutions, Israel has imposed military rule upon the Palestinians and has perpetrated a long list of crimes against humanity (also condemned by the U.N.):
• Attacks on neighboring Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq
• The prevention of medical and food supplies to Palestinians
• The control of water sources in Palestine
• The building of illegal settlements in Palestine – Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem
• The population of these settlements with illegal settlers – armed thugs
• The bulldozing of Palestinian homes killing people in them (or in front of them, e.g., Rachel Corrie)
• The building of the “Apartheid Wall” separating Palestinians from their families, farmlands, water sources, and medical facilities
• Collaboration with Apartheid South Africa to develop non-sanctioned nuclear weapons, along with biological and chemical weapons
• Establishment of “Administrative Detention” which subjects Palestinians – including women and children – to arrest and detention without charges, legal representation, or due process
• Attacks, arrests, and murders of international humanitarians offering assistance to Palestinians
Conclusion: Israel is in violation of a plethora of international and moral laws. Its presence in Palestine amounts to no less than illegal entry, robbery, destruction of property, assault, and murder. Since the international community has failed to enforce international law with regards to Israel’s war crimes, the Palestinians are justified in any attempt to rid themselves of their oppressor – Israel. Any devious attempt on Israel’s part to mislabel its heinous acts as “self-defense” is completely unwarranted and downright deceptive.
“Hamas is to blame! Hamas should stop bombing Israel”
Again – this is the case of the criminal pointing the finger at the victim. Israel’s brutal presence in Palestine is in violation of numerous international and moral laws. The acts of Hamas are akin to the Minutemen who did everything in their power to fight off the British forces in 18th Century America.
Conclusion: Although I am a pacifist and would opt for non-violent resistance against the criminal presence of Israel in Palestine, I must acknowledge in all good conscience that Hamas is legally and morally justified in defending the cause to free Palestine – both in Palestine and in Israel.
“Israel is friend and ally to the United States”
Israel is the United States’ daddy.
Fact: Israel perpetrates crimes against humanity with impunity and the United States not only condones these actions, it funds them.
• Our government has been infiltrated by Zionist judges, legislators, and executive administrators from both the Republican and Democratic parties. This is not to mention AIPAC and other Zionist-controlled lobbies which manipulate finances and legislation at federal, state, and local levels.
• Our financial system (banks, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve) is controlled by Zionists.
• Our entertainment industry (Hollywood, Broadway, Nashville, NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, etc.) is predominantly owned and operated by Zionists.
• Mainstream media (all major news networks, television and radio stations, newspapers) are owned and operated by Zionists.
Conclusion: The result of all this is twofold: Zionists greatly influence and manipulate the U.S. government into enabling and funding Israel’s war crimes against Palestine and humanity.
Zionists convince the masses that Israel is the “good guy” and Muslims, Arabs, and especially Palestinians are the “bad guys”.
No true friend or ally would manipulate a friend into being complicit in a myriad of war crimes! Zionist Israel is, in fact, a devious enemy of the United States.
Anyone who clings to these and other Zionist myths must fall into one of three categories:
• Liar: Zionist supporter (Jewish, Christian, or other) who knows the facts and is yet involved in the scheme to mislead the public
• Ignorant: common citizen who has fallen prey to Zionist propaganda and has made little or no effort to validate the information
• Fool: one who has learned the truth, but ignores it in a vain display of “loyalty” to a political or religious position.