The Zika Virus Scam: Message To Purveyors Of Medical Fraud

It has been a while since I last reported on the very fraudulent "Zika Virus" scare that was perpetrated on the world a few months back... I stated clearly in previous articles that we are indeed dealing with a very elaborate scam to scare people into the false belief that they need to both avoid Brazil at all cost (part of the attempt to vilify Brazil for their economic move away from US hegemony) and of course to have people wanting to take more poisonous and deadly "vaccines" into their bodies..... For the longest time the "Zika virus" scare disappeared from the news, but recently the "scare" was magnified by new reports of people suddenly coming down with its associated "disease" as well as the continuing falsehood that the "Zika virus" caused brain shrinkage (Microcephaly) in newborn babies!For this article, I want to bring forward a new report from Jon Rappoport, through the Natural Blaze website ( entitled: "Zika: Message To Purveyors Of Medical Fraud" that once again shows the scam that the so called "medical professionals" are trying to push on the general public in regards to this Zika virus scam..... I have that article right here for my own readers to view for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:Zika: Message to Purveyors of Medical Fraud June 7, 2016 By Jon RappoportThe Zika-microcephaly connection is scientific nonsense. Let me run it down for you.My analysis is beyond, “But Expert A says…” I am not dealing in appeals to authority, but instead the standards of evidence anyone can see if he opens his eyes.First of all, the latest figures out of Brazil, the so-called epicenter of the microcephaly tragedy, reveal the following: 854 confirmed cases of microcephaly; and of those, 97 cases show the presence of the Zika virus.Inference? Zika is not the cause of microcephaly. If it were, researchers would be able to detect it in all, or the overwhelming percentage of, microcephaly cases.I’m not making this up. There are standards of proof and evidence. They dictate which inferences are possible, and which are not. 97 out 854 is a dud. Back to the drawing board. 757 microcephaly cases show no trace of Zika.“But Expert A says…” Who cares what he says? He’s either right or wrong, independent of his presumed status as an expert. And here he would be wrong.“But the Washington Post and the NY Times and the CDC and the World Health Organization say…” Doesn’t matter.Two recent studies, if you want to call them that, have tried to make the case that Zika is the cause of microcephaly. Well, they were published because media outlets could then run headlines announcing: ZIKA SHOWN TO BE THE CAUSE; DOUBTS ABOUT ZIKA ERASED. That’s all these studies were good for.The first study examined several different groups of babies, and in each group they found a very weak correlation between microcephaly and the presence of Zika—but they tried to pull a fast one and say that the (very weak) correlation in several groups somehow added up to a much stronger correlation overall. Absolute gibberish. Weak plus weak plus weak equals weak.The second study tried to establish a correlation between Zika injected into mice and resultant mouse babies with microcephaly. But as every honest researcher knows, mice are a very poor analogue for humans.There is more.  In neither of these two studies, and in none of the press reports about microcephaly, is there any suggestion that researchers have discovered, or looked into, HOW MUCH ZIKA WAS PRESENT IN THE SMALL PERCENTAGE OF CASES WHERE MICROCEPHALY WAS ALSO PRESENT.Why is this important? Because small traces of a virus aren’t going to cause any human disease. You need huge amounts to even begin to think you’ve found a cause of disease—and as I say, there is no indication that babies with microcephaly have huge amounts of Zika in their bodies.Apparently, some of the research on babies with microcephaly has involved the use of the PCR test. That’s a dead giveaway. You see, the PCR works with a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of human material that is suspected of being a fragment of a virus; and then the test amplifies (blows up) that fragment so it can be observed. But here’s the thing. Why would researchers need to use the PCR? Because they can’t otherwise find enough Zika in a baby’s body to even see it or ID it with certainty. As I just mentioned, you need to find huge amounts of Zika (or any other virus) to begin to say it’s causing a disease. Get it? If they had to use the PCR test, there wasn’t enough Zika in the first place (if there was any at all) to think it was causing a disease condition.Zika science isn’t science. It’s fraud.In this article, I’m walking ground I’ve already covered in other Zika pieces, because, from reports I’ve received, there are people out there who believe, with religious fervor, that statements from so-called medical experts and accompanying news stories must be true—and anyone who concludes otherwise is presenting a conspiracy theory.I’m here to inform you that such notions are as weak as the correlation between microcephaly and Zika.Here is a final analogy. Suppose, in a large metropolitan/suburban sprawl, there is an increase of days with rainfall. Politicians, bureaucrats, statisticians, and reporters heavily promote the idea that the cause of this rain-upsurge is a corresponding acute rise in the volume/mass of automobile exhaust fumes. That’s the correlation. But on further analysis, it turns out elevated levels of auto exhaust only occurred within a week of a rainy day 14% of the time. That’s called weak correlation. That’s called incorrect analysis. That’s called nonsense. That’s called back to the drawing board.But no one in charge dares to go back to the drawing board. The lie has already been told. It must be maintained. It must be supported. New lies will be floated to bolster the first one.The experts will tell those new lies. And people will chime in, “The experts know what they’re talking about. They must know. Those who reject exhaust fumes are conspiracy theorists.”And the experts keep talking: they say a duck is a truck and mouse is a louse and a shoe is a stew. And people blink and say, “Well, they know what they’re talking about. They must.”As my long-time readers know, I keep returning to the subject of logic. This is why.(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.NTS Notes: I could not agree more with what Jon has to say about this very elaborate scam... This "Zika virus" scare is exactly what I have been stating for months now.. Fear mongering to convince very gullible people that they must line up like dumb ass sheep to allow dangerous vaccines into their bodies that absolutely do NOT work and instead weaken their immune systems...Yes, the entire charade of linking this "Zika virus" to the outbreak of Microcephaly that we have witnessed over the last 6 months and especially in Brazil is indeed a fraud.....The real issue behind this increase in brain shrinkage in newborn babies is NOT through the "virus" but in the poisons in the vaccines themselves!I am not fooled at all by this "Zika virus" scare, and neither should anyone else... This scare mongering has been in the works for some time, and basically it was to target and destroy Brazil, especially with the Summer Olympic Games coming to Rio De Janeiro this summer.... The criminals behind this scam wanted to use this "scare" to drive people away from attending those games, as well as try to ruin Brazil's economy.....The problem now is that with Brazil's government overthrown by a US led coup (primarily because of the perception by the Brazilian people that Brazil was "failing" economically), the criminals have switched their focus into wanting to use this "Zika virus" scare to push for their dangerous and deadly vaccination program for profits for Big Pharma and ruin our immune systems......Yes, this "Zika Virus" scare is a scam..... People need to wake up and not be fooled by the liars in both our governments and the Jew spew media.... Sadly, too many people have drunk the "koolaid" and are so willing now to roll up their sleeves and be injected by poisons to "fight" this non-existent disease!More to comeNTS