The Zika Virus Scam: A Great Summary Of The Real Facts Behind This Fraud

I have come under a bit of fire from some well known trolls concerning my articles here that show definitive proof that this Zika Virus "epidemic" is a fraud and a sham..... I have said that this scare mongering is to generate as much fear in the public as possible, so that when these criminals behind the fraud bring forward their "vaccine" against this virus...The criminals behind the scam hope that stupid and gullible people will blindly line up, roll up their sleeves, and allow them to inject their poisons into our bodies..... I have yet to find anything to prove otherwise....I want to share the following great summary from Jim Stone, who of course writes the website: Jim Stone Freelance, at, that definitely shows how this Zika virus is indeed a scam, and that the real culprit behind the brain shrinking that we see in newborn babies in Brazil is due to a TDAP 'vaccine' that was made mandatory last year for all pregnant women living in Brazil to take..... First, here is Jim's report, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:



"when these facts are added to the fact that the Zika virus has never done anything prior but cause a mild cold, suddenly blaming it for thousands of shrunken baby brains is outright medical fraud.

Here is an updated version of the original report, which got wiped out:

Tdap induced shrunken brains: The new autism.

 The new "Autism", titled "Microcephaly" has suddenly smashed it's way into Brazilian delivery rooms overnight and destroyed more than 2,400 Brazilian newborn babies en utero in only the past 2 months with ZERO DESTROYED IN THE MONTHS PRIOR. Update: Since posting this page, which was extracted from backup after the hack, the number has risen to over 4,000 in less than two additional weeks, as I originally predicted would happen. The false reason for the shrunken heads is stated to be caused when a pregnant mother is bitten by an Ades mosquito which is carrying the Zika virus, a virus which recently "made it's debut" in Brazil in 2015. The virus as an excuse for shrunken baby heads is an obvious bold faced lie, because the pattern of symptoms does not match the virus which has been proven to have infected humans since 1954 and has never previously been associated with shrunken brains in newborn babies, nor does the geographic propagation pattern match the natural propagation pattern of a mosquito carried virus that would cause undersized brains in newborn babies if it really did exist.

Here is the key quote which fingers the far more likely culprit: A new Tdap shot which was introduced in Brazil in early 2015:

Here is my originally posted capture of what the World Health organization says about Zika:

This "shrunken brain" issue in newborns was just suddenly in Brazil as if someone flipped a switch, and the only way that could really happen is via the sudden arrival of a new brain destroying Tdap vaccine, which arrived in Brazil in early 2015 and became mandatory for all pregnant Brazilian women before week 22 of pregnancy. This sudden occurrence of shrunken brains perfectly matches the arrival of the new vaccine and the malformed births are now happening, with perfect timing.

As standing proof it is NOT ZIKA causing the birth defects, the BBC posted the following, (and I will capture this later and post the actual capture:

From the BBC on Jan 21 2016:Brazil says the number of babies born with suspected microcephaly or abnormally small heads since October has now reached nearly 4,000. In the worst affected area, about 1% of newborns have suspected microcephaly. The Brazilian authorities believe the increase is caused by an outbreak of Zika virus. Just 150 babies were born with microcephaly in 2014. The brain condition can be deadly or cause intellectual disability and developmental delays. Colombia's health minister has advised women there to delay pregnancy. Brazil's health ministry says there have been 3,893 suspected cases of microcephaly since October, when the authorities first noticed a surge, up from 3,500 in last week's report. The link with Zika has not been confirmed, but a small number of babies who died had the virus in their brain and no other explanation for the surge in microcephaly has been suggested.  Now I will translate this: There was a zika outbreak in Brazil. There was a huge surge in shrunken baby brains in Brazil. ONLY A SMALL NUMBER OF BABIES WHO DIED HAD THE VIRUS IN THEIR BRAIN. This means A LARGE NUMBER OF THE BABIES WHO DIED HAD NO ZIKA IN THEIR BRAIN. OUTPUT: The zika cases were coincidental, with the real problem completely unknown. This quote from the BBC blows the zika scam wide open, the next line of the BBC report is accurate: Zika is generally mild and only causes symptoms in one in five people. It is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which also spreads dengue and chikungunya.  There is an additional claim that mosquitos naturally carried this disease across almost all of South and Central America in only six months. This defies all logic because mosquitoes have a life cycle that is too long for immediate propagation and won't fly more than a mile from where they hatch, which would limit the movement of a totally new disease to a mile or so a month, not 30 miles a day.THE ONLY WAY Zika could spread so quickly is if someone had a batch of it, and was spreading it around by flying everywhere and dumping it. Question: Where would they get the virus from, so they could front a zika scam to cover for vaccine damage? How about this next piece of info: Update to the above: To cover for the far too rapid to be real spread, they are now saying Brazil was tracking Zika in 2014, but all original reports said the first recorded case was on May 21 2015.

Here is the wiki:

"In May 2015, Brazil officially reported its first 16 cases of the illness.[9] According to the Brazilian Health Ministry, as of November 2015 there was no official count of the number of people infected with the virus in Brazil, the disease being not subject to compulsory notification. Even so, cases were reported in 14 States of the country. Mosquito-borne Zika virus is suspected to be the cause of 2,400 cases of microcephaly and 29 infant deaths in Brazil in 2015.[10]" interesting, when it has never been associated with that before! "The emergence of Zika virus in South America led to a rapid spread throughout South and Central America, reaching Mexico in November 2015"

My response: Yep, it is in Wikipedia, which anyone can write to, including those involved in this plot, and they can just make it all look normal. Yep, symbiotic host/carrier/host diseases just rip across continents to all corners in months, faster than a bush tribesman could travel! IT REALLY IS THAT WAY, Wikipedia said so!

REALITY: This is a host/carrier/host disease which requires new mosquitos to be born before it can spread. This makes it absolutely impossible for it to rip across the entirety of Latin America, from Chile to Brazil to Mexico in only six months. It would take DECADES for that process to complete. But 20 Boeing jets could carry the real brain shrinking cause via vaccines to all corners of Latin America in only 12 hours, with the zika mosquito being a convenient scapegoat for the devastation that followed.

Here is another wiki quote:

"The first human cases were reported in Nigeria in 1954.[3] A few outbreaks have been reported in tropical Africa and in some areas in Southeast Asia.[4] By using phylogenetic analysis of Asian strains it was estimated that Zika virus had moved to Southeast Asia by 1945.[2] In 1977 - 1978 Zika virus infection was described as a cause of fever in Indonesia.[5] The first major outbreak, with 185 confirmed cases, was reported in 2007 in the Yap Islands of the Federated States of Micronesia.[6] A total of 108 cases were confirmed by PCR or serology and 72 additional cases were suspected. The most common symptoms were rash, fever, arthralgia and conjunctivitis, and no deaths were reported. The mosquito Aedes hensilli, which was the predominant species identified in Yap during the outbreak, was probably the main vector of transmission. While the way of introduction of the virus on Yap Island remains uncertain, it is likely to have happened through introduction of infected mosquitoes or a viraemic human with a strain related to those in Southeast Asia.[2][6] This was also the first time Zika fever had been reported outside Africa and Asia.[7]"

My response: ALL OF THAT, AND IT WAS NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH SHRUNKEN BABY BRAINS UNTIL IT HIT BRAZIL, WHERE IT JUST SUDDENLY WHACKED THE BABY BRAINS OUT OF 2400 PREGNANT MOMS! See what I am getting at here? And if they change things, and say this disease has a history of shrinking baby brains, remember, up until now IT WAS NOT SO, so something else is causing the brain destroyed babies, it is not any "zika disease", something else is causing it and I guess they figured "zika" sounded spooky enough to blame it all on while they proceed to blow baby brains out with pre-natal pregnancy vaccinations. In many Latin American countries, women are strongly encouraged to get the Tdap vaccine no more than 22 weeks into a pregnancy. Since the story line behind the Zika explanation is patent bullshit, another vector is being used, which leaves only the previously harmless Tdap vaccine as the only available real "shrunken brain" transmission vector, BET ON IT.

Additionally, they would never release a truly damaging disease with the mosquito as the carrier, because the tribe is everywhere, Kikedom has infiltrated all corners of the earth and they won't make themselves vulnerable to their own weapon. That means their weapon has to stay safely within needles and vials, to be separated out by marking "Ashkenazi" on the race card questionnaire handed out by every single hospital they will ever go to. Those who identify their race as "Asheknazi" will get a differently sourced vaccine. Ok so to sum this up: 1. Prior to 2015, the Zika virus was never associated with shrunken brains in newborn babies.2. The propagation pattern is impossible, no mosquito borne disease that requires and intermediate host can get to all corners of a continent in only six months. Such a rapid propagation would require the disease to move 33 miles a day, day after day. Mosquitos do not breed, infect, lay eggs and hatch young to re-infect any faster than two weeks and won't fly more than half a mile during their lives, and if movement of people could spread it so fast, it would have happened decades ago. This disease might take six months to go 30 miles, not go 30 miles in a day! 3. The Zika virus has been known about since the 1950's, and requires a carrier host during it's life cycle. If it is so contagious it can rip across a continent via mosquitoes alone in only six months, which would require people flying around on airplanes to do, then it should have traveled across the ocean to Brazil as fast as an airplane can fly along with an infected host carrier from Africa, more than 50 years ago. 4. The autism / child vaccination link has now been so firmly drawn that the scammers need an entirely new venue before they get totally busted, and pre-birth vaccines have to be that venue. They need a safe way to do this and they are not going to get the job done by letting their weapon loose in the wild, where it can jump out of the bushes and nail them. They need a scapegoat for the intellectual damage they need to cause to maintain their future tyranny, and the zika virus is virtually assured to be their chosen scapegoat.5. They claim this disease is ripping through the Caribbean island nations. QUESTION: HOW DOES A MOSQUITO BORNE ILLNESS, WHICH TOOK 50 YEARS TO JUMP FROM AFRICA TO LATIN AMERICA END UP PROPAGATING THROUGHOUT THE CARIBBEAN IN ONLY A FEW MONTHS, WHEN EACH LOCATION IN THE ENTIRE REGION IS, FROM A MOSQUITO'S STANDPOINT, EQUALLY SEPARATED BY OCEAN? Good question, and I have the answer, CASE CLOSED:

I'll tell you what is going on here - VIRTUALLY ASSURED: Bill Gates or some other slime ball released a new vaccine in response to the autism uproar, which was to be administered to women while pregnant, to destroy the baby en utero so post-birth vaccines would not be blamed for damage they want to do to ALL children and are no longer completely getting away with. The zika virus has to be there to take the rap.


J-bird wrote: Re the "zika virus outbreak" is it that so many individual doctors are allowing this shrunken brain epidemic to be laid on zika? Is there no attending physician ANYWHERE who has another insight into the sudden onset of this unfortunate malady? Are they being instructed at "gunpoint" to auto-report zika when they see the shrunken brain in a newborn, or are they individually scratching their heads, reporting an un-diagnosed malady, and allowing WHO or its local agents to do the diagnosing? You're doing the Lord's work, Jim. Be extremely cautious, for such work has been known to get one nailed to a cross. J-Bird  My response: Obviously, my take on this is based on deductive logic which says 1. You can't have a mild virus that never caused a problem with newborns suddenly hit a knife edge, starting in November suddenly, like a lightning strike and destroy 2400 newborns in a single country between November 1 and December 30 with absolutely none happening before. Because this cannot happen, logical step 2: It has to be caused by something new, that was introduced while these women were pregnant. Because I happen to know a fair amount about random medical topics and am already up in arms over vaccines I knew variable 3: That in Latin America, all women are strongly encouraged to get various vaccines between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. If we have 2,400 freak occurences, which might happen to a country 10 times per year as a norm, suddenly strike like lightning and take out 2400 plus in only two months ( a 1,600 fold increase if you factor that into an entire upcoming year, and to make the numbers more obvious, that is a 160,000 percent increase,) there has to be a common binding factor causing it that is not any mosquito borne disease. It can't be a mosquito borne disease because ZERO in October to 1,200 in November and 1,200 in December cannot happen that way. If this was a mosquito borne zika virus problem, there would have been a trend - 5 in May, 30 in June, 100 in July, building up to what is happening now. The fact that did not build up to this final dreadful outcome proves there is something else causing this, and whoever spewed about Zika knows what it is, and that it is not Zika. The only common binding women specific transmission vector that could make this possible is the Tdap vaccine. Shrunken baby brain occurences would suddenly show up like someone flipping a switch 18 - 20 weeks after such a batch of vaccines got introduced into Brazil. 20 weeks is five months. That leaves the end of May, June, July, August, September, October, Bam-0, in November it suddenly shows up in live births. They said Zika showed up in May. Math says something showed up in May but historical medical logic and precedent says it could not possibly be the zika virus. As far as "allowing a shrunken brain epidemic", even if they figure out it is the Tdap vaccine (and I am sure many who can think are suspecting that, these people are not stupid) this scourge will continue for five and a half months after they shut it down. It is not a matter of allowing it, it is a matter of dealing with the consequences of an attack after being shot. The people pulling this scam may get away with it for a few more months, because people in the medical community tend to be overly trusting of those who call the shots, but beyond that they are going to have to start killing doctors until all that are smart enough to figure this out are eliminated. It is rational to think they know that and are ready to do exactly that. Feb 1 2016 Zika a virtual proven psyop on Brazil

BACKGROUND: Brazil does not speak Spanish, Brazil speaks Portuguese. Keep that in mind, and read this from Edu in Brazil:

Edu wrote: I called the virus zica on purpose, because it is slang for "bad luck" in Portuguese. I think "zika" was intended to be a pun also. My response: I think you nailed something with this, but do not think the original name had any specific purpose. I think that whoever is running this psy op took advantage of the name, and the name meaning "bad luck" in Brazil is probably the specific reason why Brazil was chosen. A coincidental name would have a huge psychological impact and perfect deniability. This coincidence needs to be shouted from the rooftops, it is just too perfect.

Zika obviously being used to install police state tactics in Brazil

The Brazilian government has allowed the zika excuse to be used to justify forced entry into homes by the military. Upon arrival at the door, the military offers no option other than to allow a full inspection of the property to make sure there is nothing there mosquitos can grow in. And it is all being authorized by government officials who are preying on public ignorance about what Zika really is. This is very thin ice for them to be walking on, because even the world health organization has told the truth about Zika, and stated that it is very mild and poses no threat to anyone. Even if Zika really is in Brazil, it is not worth worrying about anyway. Since anyone in Brazil can hit the World Health Organization web site and read this for themselves, I think it is awful foolish of the authorities to count on stupidity in the populace as the only cover for the actions they have taken.NTS Notes: Again, I do have my criticisms of Jim Stone from time to time, but the information here is dynamite and very accurate....Lets face the facts again... The Zika Virus has been well known across other continents, especially in Africa, for decades before this "outbreak" in Brazil, and NEVER before now has there been any cases of "brain shrinkage" in new born babies associated with this virus... Until strangely now....What we have here in my opinion is exactly what Jim is stating.... It is the result of that TDAP "vaccine" that has been forced on the women of Brazil to take during their pregnancies over the last year.... And it shows again the absolutely horrific side effects of vaccines, period.....There have been many that still claim that this Zika Virus could have been modified by the same criminals that modified the mosquitoes in Brazil, and there could be some truth to that... But even the WHO organization reports enclosed in Jim's report do dismiss this idea outright..... Yes, it is bad enough that these criminals are fooling around with "mother nature" in stupidly re-engineering mosquitoes, but there still are no definitive links between these GMO mosquitoes and the sudden "brain shrinkage epidemic" in my honest opinion and I have yet to find any definitive proof to the contrary.....Again, be prepared everyone... These criminals are indeed using the Jew spew media to create as much fear as possible by this new "epidemic"... These scoundrels will absolutely use this Zika virus outbreak as part of their plan to force more of their poisonous vaccines on all of us, and it is our job to educate everyone with the real facts and the real truth.....More to comeNTS