A move for the restoration of the Mont Order to its former status as a club of progressive thinkers and students has been successfully made. The Zero State, a techno-progressive activist group centered on the ideas of M. Amon Twyman, is now associated with the Mont Order.
While it is only a formative step, this change cannot be underestimated. It marks the first move towards the restoration of the Mont Order to an actual association of groups and churches since its original disintegration in 1999.
My negotiations with M. Amon Twyman, head of the WAVE think tank responsible over the Zero State, have resulted in his decision to be associated with the latest iteration of the former Mont Order. This latest iteration of the group will be an exclusive club comprised of fellow groups and contacts. The authenticity of it will be confirmed soon by Amon through one of WAVE’s own channels. An official Mont page on Beliefnet, the world’s top resource for religion and spirituality, will be introduced to help guide people to learn more about the Mont Order by finding the nearest associated activists, churches and groups that form part of this club. All of the members will be at the forefront of campaigns for a futuristic stateless society via popular means.
During the negotiations between myself and Amon, which took place online from August 16th to August 19th, Amon offered support and recognition of the move to associate his group with the Mont Order. He also expressed an interest in adding more substance to the connection, while recognizing that it already carries the benefit of added publicity for both parties by establishing the possibility that additional cooperation could be forthcoming. While it will never abandon its origins as a friendly association, it is a fact that the Mont Order can now influence some of its first effective activist contacts through this relationship with the Zero State.
The Mont Order is an often-misunderstood club of obscure origins, with several defunct iterations and an entertaining conspiracy theory in existence as a result of speculation on its past. Despite an abundance of misleading documentary evidence on the internet to suggest it is a secret society, Mont’s new iteration will be a club based on affinity – an exclusive kind of “affinity group”. It will accept no official members, spokespeople, doctrines or books, and will be based purely on mutual recognition between loosely involved clients like myself and Amon’s Zero State at this stage. Anyone will be able to get involved in our work by sharing our enthusiasm for a futuristic society beyond hate, violence and the state.
The WAVE movement’s Zero State activist arm is a large network of valuable online activists for positive social change, who aim to create what is described by Amon as a Virtual Distributed Parallel (VDP) State. This experimental model is intended as a viable alternative to the modern nation-state, and fits with the Mont Order’s pluralistic and anti-nationalist view of humankind as one family. By helping to gather similar experimental anti-statist networks and bloggers together from as far apart as Japan and the UK, the Mont Order hopes to return to its original mission of encouraging bonds of fellowship between disparate students and activists for a borderless world.
Although there is no actual gathering at this stage, Amon’s move to make his group part of the club cannot be underestimated. Most importantly, the incorporation of WAVE and its activists into the Mont Order association represents the restoration of the Mont Order itself to an active form, defying its former defunct status. It is the first time that the formerly offline Mont Order has been connected up with online activists to offer them its open support and blessing. This is important because in the Order’s former state all Mont activity was based offline or was restricted to confidential exchanges of ideas and objectives. Now, we have opened up for the first time to enable new kinds of collaboration, as is inevitable in the age of the internet.
Further resources on the WAVE movement can be found at wavism.net, including instructions for joining and raising funds to support Amon’s WAVE lobby. Even in its present formative state, the Mont Order offers its full support and blessing for these pioneering groups and the values they represent, and will continue to encourage public support for them through its friends and associates. Their success and their guidance will be high priorities of the Order now, and in the foreseeable future.
In the future, and depending on the level of public interest that can be attracted as a result of this formative move, the Mont Order could grow into more than its present iteration as a weak association. If enough anti-statist minds are gathered in this club, it might evolve into another essential part in the fabric of online collective consciousness reshaping political activism today.