Honestly, I am sick of the ongoing censorship by the JEWS behind the ever more ridiculous video sharing site called "Youtube"... Just the other day as an example I put out the "Youtube" video by Lifting The Veil where he interviewed Wolfgang Halbig about the fraudulent Parkland Florida shooting, and within the next day the Jewish pricks behind Youtube "censored" that video and had it removed from their site... I am presently looking for another source for that important video as it is indeed dynamite....(At present I have another copy of that video finally at that article! But Youtube will probably "censor" that one as well soon.)I have been looking for some new articles and/or videos that cover the ongoing "censorship" by the Jewish pricks behind Youtube that explains their actions in detail.... And I found one that everyone should view for themselves... This one comes from the Youtube user "The Truth Factory" and is entitled: "Who Is Really Behind Youtube Censorship" and is a must see (before Youtube takes it down of course..) by everyone... Here it is and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I agree with the findings presented in this video, for the Jewish pricks have been attacking everyone who posts the truth on Youtube and elsewhere simply because those truths expose THEIR crimes for all to see...Please take this video and make your own copies if you are capable.. Jew run Youtube will indeed have this one pulled very shortly, claiming that it "contains hate"... .The reality is of course the Jewish criminals are the masters of hate and they do not want people to finally come to their senses and rationalize that as reality...More to comeNTS