Yes, Melania Was A Hooker Before She Married Señor Trumpanzee

When I was very young and very destitute-- having just returned to the U.S. after nearly 7 years abroad-- I found myself broke and homeless in New York. I'm not proud to say so, but I made some money for myself down near 53rd and 3rd in Manhattan for a unpleasant few months until I got a record selling business going. I'm telling you that because I don't want you to think that I am being judgmental when I say that Melania Trump was doing the same thing at one point-- albeit not on Manhattan street corners. The stories from her old johns have been around forever and every time I wondered aloud when they would start coming out, I was bombarded with hate mail, often from media tools, the same types who used to attack me when I talked about Mark Foley being a child molester before it was officially announced that he was "sending naughty instant messages" to underage congressional pages and that he was resigning from Congress and checking into a rehab facility in Arizona.Anyone familiar with the Trumpanzee clan shouldn't be surprised that Madam Trumpanzee is suing the Daily Mail for exposing her former career over the weekend: Naked photoshoots, and troubling questions about visas that won't go away: The VERY racy past of Donald Trump's Slovenian wife. As they pointed out, "she was tall, striking, 28-year-old Slovenian model, with a sexy accent; he was a a 52-year-old billionaire, with a ridiculous comb-over , but within minutes of minute they had swapped numbers back in 1998." Ahhhh... the Kit Kat Club! They got married 7 years later.

According to a Slovenian journalist who has recently published an unauthorised biography of Melania, the Kit Kat meeting was staged-- an elaborate act for the benefit of the public.Bojan Pozar claims the pair first met three years earlier, in 1995, around the time of the nude photo shoot. ‘During my research I was told that they met in 1995,’ says Pozar, a journalist who is co-author of Melania Trump-- The Inside Story: From A Slovenian Communist Village To The White House."I don’t know what sort of relationship they had but I do know they were in touch from my conversations with modelling agents while researching the book. After 1995, Trump helped Melania with her modelling career. The agents said: 'Trump’s money talks.' The first cover Melania did was for the April 1996 edition of Spanish Harper’s Bazaar."The years between 1995 and 1998 are the most secret years of Melania Trump. She’d had a number of boyfriends in Slovenia, but we did not find anyone involved with Melania romantically during these years-- it is very strange."If this is the case, it casts an even more troubling complexion on the work visa scandal concerning Melania that refuses to go away. Trump’s uncompromising stance on immigration is, after all, very well known. It has been suggested by commentators in America that Melania did not have a work visa when she undertook the early nude modelling assignment in 1995.Comments she made earlier this year that while working in New York she travelled to Slovenia "to stamp the visa," appear inconsistent with someone holding a U.S. H-1B work visa (who would not have to do this) and more suggestive of someone holding a tourist visa.This month, 46-year-old Melania published a statement on Twitter saying she has "at all times been in full compliance with the immigration laws of this country," but she is yet to produce documentary evidence that she was in possession of the correct legal paperwork.If Trump knew Melania at this time, and she was working on a tourist visa, it doesn’t look very good for a politician who made the issue of illegal immigration central to his campaign.But why lie about the dates in the first place? Well, firstly, in 1995 Trump was still married to his second wife, Marla Maples, whom he’d wed in 1993.His affair with Maples while still married to his first wife, Ivana, whom he married in 1977 and divorced in 1992, was well-publicised. Even back then, Trump had his eyes set on the White House and having weathered the Maples scandal, conservative America might not be so forgiving if it happened a second time.Claims that the 1998 meeting was a "ruse" are also made in another book, published this year, and available on Amazon. The title is decidedly unsavoury: From The Whore House To The White House: The True Story Of Melania Trump.The book makes a number of unpleasant claims-- such as one that a modelling agency Melania worked for in Milan before moving to New York was "something like a gentleman’s club."The claims are all unsubstantiated and the Mail could find no trace of the book’s author, Adam Schlecter. It is quite possibly the work of an enemy of Trump-- there are many.Yet the fact a book with such a title even exists must be an acute embarrassment to the Trumps.A spokesperson said: "This is an unauthorised book written by malicious and bitter 'reporters.' They have never met or spoken to Mrs Trump and wrote a book filled with lies for their personal gain."But the rumour mill does not stop whirring there. Earlier this month, a Slovenian magazine, Suzy, published a front page story claiming Melania’s modelling agency in New York, run by New York entrepreneur, Paolo Zampolli, also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."On the one hand they [the girls] pretended to be models, but they principally earned money as elite escorts," the magazine article claimed. "They even had two composite cards (presentation cards held by each model)-- with two photos and basic information such as measurements, eye and hair colour, and agency details."One composite card was for the modelling business, and the other one for the sex business, as it stated whether they prefer the older men and described their abilities in the bedroom."The article added: "What Melania’s [composite card] looked like only the people involved know, but it is no coincidence she got a rich husband."This week the Mail spoke to the author of the piece, under the condition of anonymity. He insisted the seemingly fantastical story was correct, but all he would say to corroborate it was the information came from sources in America.Mr Zampolli, however, was very clear. He told the Mail the allegations were "f****** rubbish. My agency was never an escort agency... come on," he said.There is no evidence to back up these startling claims made in Suzy magazine. But there is yet more trouble afoot in Slovenia. We spoke to Peter Butoln, a 48-year-old PR, who describes himself as Melania’s first boyfriend. They met when she was 17 and dated for a few months before he had to go into the army.He claims to be in possession of some pictures of Melania, topless and in her underwear. He is refusing to rule out selling these photographs and appears to be waiting for the moment Melania steps inside the White House for maximum impact."An American media organisation offered me $200,000 for the pictures a few weeks ago, but I refused the offer. But will I sell them in the future? We’ll have to see." He smiles. He seems to relish the thought that he might have another bomb ready to detonate under Donald Trump’s feet.Perhaps this is the reason, locals in Melania’s home town of Sevnica say, that police a few weeks ago warned residents not to speak to journalists, suggesting someone, somewhere, has given the order to completely clean up Mrs Trump’s past. But, aside from a few dodgy photos and visa issues, is there much to clean up?
